"If I had the time and a sledgehammer, I would track down every bootlegged copy of that program and smash it."
- George Lucas

Han "Hugs" Solo |
Han comes into the house to greet the Wookiee family. He is invited to stay, but he says he has to get back the Millennium Falcon. Han confesses that Chewie's family is like a family to him. This is followed by a very awkward stare down by Malla. It's very difficult to tell if she is pissed off by this remark or if she is subtly trying to seduce Captain Solo with her pouty lips. One thing is for sure, it's extremely uncomfortable for all involved. After a minute of this, Han says his goodbyes (after getting a creepy look from Lumpy), then he hugs Chewbacca.
"Han, if I concentrate I can see straight into your soul."
"Okay, Malla, you're starting to freak me out."
Everything then degenerates into a mass of Wookiee-furred hugs and Wookiee growls until a knock comes at the door. Chewbacca answers the door cautiously to reveal Saundan.
"I love you, Malla."
"I love you too, buddy."
At this point, an Imperial officer calls looking for the soldier that Han killed and Saundan tells the officer that the stormtrooper robbed the house and took off for the hills. The Imperial officer has no trouble believing this story even though there are very rarely any hills at the top of a 2 kilometer tall tree.
Saundan then departs and the Wookiees just sort of mill around. Eventually, they pick up some weird objects and are whisked away to a surreal starscape, dressed in red robes. Then they begin the traditional Life Day ritual of wandering through the stars straight into the heart of a white-hot burning sun.
"Join us as we hold up the traditional nondescript objects of Life Day."
Unfortunately this star is too cool to kill them.