"If I had the time and a sledgehammer, I would track down every bootlegged copy of that program and smash it."
- George Lucas

Chewie and Han Save the Day (About an Hour And Fifty Minutes Too Late) |
Back at the Chewbacca family residence, an officer tells the soldiers to return to base. It turns out it is none other than Lumpy using his mini-transmitter to fool the Imperials! The lone remaining stormtrooper is wise to Lumpy and goes upstairs to confront him. Lumpy manages to escape and the stormtrooper follows him out to the porch.
This fight would have been a lot harder had this stormtrooper remembered to bring his gun.
Just as things get heated up, Chewbacca and Han appear to trip the stormtrooper over the railing and save the day! After watching the stormtrooper fall thousands of feet to his death, Chewbacca and Lumpy have a tender reunion.