"If I had the time and a sledgehammer, I would track down every bootlegged copy of that program and smash it."
- George Lucas

Bantha Funeral and the Asinine Antics of the Amorphian Being |
The Imperial troops decide at this point that it is time to trash the Wookiee house, mostly focusing on destroying all of Lumpy's toys for no good reason. Then the Imperial officer tells Lumpy to go clean up his room. All in all, this is one of the funnier scenes in the special.
One of the things that they destroy is Lumpy's stuffed bantha by ripping off its head. In a touching moment, Lumpy clutches the bantha's decapitated body to his chest. Then he holds a mock funeral for his stuffed bantha, placing the body and the head ceremoniously onto some sort of altar that seems to exist in his room for such an occasion. He covers the joined body parts with a blanket and kisses his dear friend.
"This stuffed bantha doll will pay the price for your insolence!"
After this he fires up a video about how to use the odd Life Day present given to him by Saundan. They introduce an "Amorphian being", which is portrayed by Harvey Korman, who does a super-annoying interpretation of a guy who is slowing down and speeding up. All the while, he makes stupid faces and gives instructions on how to assemble this odd computer device. This goes on until, for no reason, the Amorphian being slows to a halt and collapses. Fittingly, the Amorphian being mirrors what you as a viewer are feeling at that precise moment.
"Hello, and welcome to the most boring part of the film."
It is only after a great deal of careful consideration that I suggest this may be the worst scene in the entire special.