"If I had the time and a sledgehammer, I would track down every bootlegged copy of that program and smash it."
- George Lucas

The Imperial Guards Learn the Valuable Life Day Lesson of How Hard it is To Restrain Yourself From Beating a Wookiee |
In this scene, the guards sort of silently look around the Wookiees' home. The obvious attempt is to make the Imperials appear menacing, but the end result makes the Imperials seem very boring. There is a vague threat here and there. At one point the guard shows his compassion when he politely asks the Wookiees to stop attacking his men. He tells them that he doesn't want anyone to get hurt but sometimes when his men get angry he can't control them. This doesn't seem to hinder Chewbacca's family from acting like a bunch of idiots and taking pokes at the Imperials whenever they get into range.
"Everything seems to be in order here: Porcelain ponies, swan baskets, hidden rebel communication console... standard Wookiee living room."
It becomes clearer than ever during this scene that we don't necessarily side with the Wookiees. The Imperials don't seem that bad at all. Any violent actions they take can be easily justified by the annoyance of the Wookiees they are trying to persecute.