"If I had the time and a sledgehammer, I would track down every bootlegged copy of that program and smash it."
- George Lucas

The Rise and Fall of Jefferson Starship |
Saundan, for unknown reasons, begins stalling the soldiers. He tells one of them to sit down and enjoy some sort of contraption that is set up at a table. Then he comes over and starts fiddling with knobs and tilting the machine. It becomes clear that Saundan is trying to stall the officers and that it this is supposed to be a humorous scene, but it is unclear exactly why. It can only be assumed that it is the viewer, not the stormtroopers, who is once again being stalled for time. After a bit of this, the soldier stands up and yells, "Will you get on with it!" This viewer agrees.
Jefferson Starship's music is too powerful to be limited to just one galaxy.
The commercial for the Jefferson Starship Star Wars Hoilday Special Ipod.
After the officer sits back down, a little show starts up in the machine and Jefferson Starship performs. The guard then sits there and dutifully watches the entire thing. The song is nearly five minutes long. One wonders if they got this gig simply because they had the word "Starship" in the name of their band. That also makes one wonder if they changed their name to Jefferson Starship simply to get this gig.