"If I had the time and a sledgehammer, I would track down every bootlegged copy of that program and smash it."
- George Lucas

Imperial Houseguests |
The sound of a ship landing nearby gets all the Wookiees excited. The Wookiees begin jumping around, excited by the prospect that Han and Chewbacca have finally arrived. Instead, they are greeted at the door by a small group of stormtroopers led by a particularly grumpy Imperial officer. The officer enters and begins roaming around their dwelling in silence for what seems like an entire minute.
"You know Malla, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship."
He then says some things to the soldiers and snaps his fingers. Other times he just snaps his fingers, without any words, and his stormtroopers snap into action. Apparently, there are he has some sort of extremely subtle dynamics he accompanies each snap with that tell his soldiers exactly what to do.