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User is offline Jun 23 2007 10:20 PM

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  1. In Topic: Obi-Wan VS. Vader: It's all about the lava.

    Posted 23 Jun 2007

    Amazing pieces of information. Thanks a lot guys! Reading these articles and old books really brings me back to my childhood days. Kind of funny thinking back on it now, how large Star Wars was a part of my youth. I don't think people who weren't around during the seventies could understand just how huge Star Wars actually was. The marketing for Star Wars was unbeleivable back in that day! Hell there isn't a franchise today that could dare rival what Star Wars had in product placement. Star Wars seeped into everyday life adding phrases which we still use today in causual converstaion and even Presidential speeches.

    I never really thought about it until just now, but Kevin Smith had said he felt an amazing sense of closure after seeing Return of the Jedi... like he could die now after having seen the end of the story. And although I'm older now, I had the exact same sentiment after the ending of Jedi. Laugh all you want! I was 11 at the time so cut me some slack!
  2. In Topic: Stephen King - What Do You Think of Him?

    Posted 18 Jun 2007

    Stephen King is very hit and miss with me. There doesn't seem to be any middle ground with him. I am either going to love it or hate it. His best work seems to come from when he's dealing with some kind of emotional issue or personal struggle. Either that or when he used to be stung up on coke. Any coke induced book by King is good reading. Maybe that's why I haven't liked a lot of his recent efforts. Time for an 8-ball Stephen!
  3. In Topic: Transformers-the movie

    Posted 18 Jun 2007

    To be quite honest I am looking forward to this movie. Considering it's Michael Bay I have already lowered my expectations so hopefully I can go into this movie and check my mind at the door. Let's face facts this movie is NOT going to be winning any acadamy awards. Granted I do have some issues with the new look of some of the transformers, but at least by getting some of the original voice talent from the original animated series, Michael Bay is showing he has some respect for the material he's working on. That alone is going to make me let a lot of things slide.

    There's no way this movie is going to be liked by everyone, especially one that has a die hard geek fanbase. There will be bitching and moaning about how a particular transformer didn't make it into the film, there will be comparisons between the live action movie and the animated movie. In truth I don't envy Michael Bay or anyone trying to make a movie based on a franchise.

    I don't really care if Bumblebee isn't a VW bug. At least Prime is still a Semi Truck. My main concern is that these robots will act... well robotic. The transformers were sentinent beings each with distinct personalities. If they act like destructive out of control robots from a bad 50's sci-fi movie, just to be destructive then this movie will definately suck. As long as Prime acts Heroic, Megatron acts like a leader with a method to his madness I am more than willing to give this movie a shot.
  4. In Topic: Worst Scene Ever???

    Posted 18 Jun 2007

    One scene that always bugged the living hell out of me is an added scene in SE version of ANH. Right before Luke and company are about to go on their big mission to blow up the Death Star, Luke has a converstaion with Biggs wishing each other luck. Granted it's a small scene but the reason it bugs me is that it SHOULD HAVE STAYED ON THE CUTTING ROOM FLOOR!

    Man I hate that scene! I know that Biggs is a friend of Luke's from his ass backward planet of Tantooine but what purpose did this scene really serve? Did it change the plot? Did it progress the story at all? Was it supposed to register more of an emotonal impact? It did none of those things! I know they mention Biggs earlier in the film but to not show Biggs having any kind of relationship with Luke prior to his adventures with Obi-Wan and company really makes this scene irrelevant.

    Did Luke look up to Biggs as a big brother, were they good friends? Did Luke have a little bit of hero worship for Biggs? The scene didn't convey anything to me at all. Was I supposed to shed a tear when a tie fighter cashed in Biggs check? Hell I had more of an emotional repsonse when Porkins ass was turned into a fireball.

    Sorry enough ranting... I hate that scene.
  5. In Topic: Rewrites

    Posted 9 Mar 2005

    But Helena, if you put a Grand in front of the title Moff, now it sounds incredible! GRAND MOFF! A regal title if I've ever heard one. Make way for Grand Moff Fuzzykins... on second thought it still sounds pretty lame.

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