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User is offline Apr 25 2008 08:42 AM

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  1. In Topic: ZP - Super Smash Bros Brawl

    Posted 23 Apr 2008

    QUOTE (David-kyo @ Apr 23 2008, 12:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Like they matter at all. If you hate someone 'cos he or she doesn't enjoy a particular game as much as you do, then you deserve to be called a prat.

    Exactly. I think the thing people forget when they watch Yahtzee's reviews is that Yahtzee isn't standing over their shoulder at the video game store swatting games out of their hands. Just because he dislikes a game doesn't mean that he's taking away your right to play it, it just means he's trying to tell you about some of the things in the game he disliked or found irritable.

    The funny thing is too, the username of the person on Youtube who was complaining about Yahtzee is registered member of the forums here too, which probably means they're the same person...

    And was anyone else caught off guard by Yahtzee rolling his r's in this video? Maybe it was just because I was listening through headphones, but I seriously jumped at that part.

    EDIT: DreamerM, I can't roll my r's either, which is quite disgraceful for a Canadian (What with Tim Horton's and the whole "Rrrrroll up the Rrriim" thing)
  2. In Topic: ZP - Super Smash Bros Brawl

    Posted 23 Apr 2008

    Finally, Yahtzee reviews a game I've actually played...I've been waiting for this one though. I was watching a playthrough of the 1213 games on Youtube, and the bugger playing them kept ranting off about how he 'Lost all respect for Yahtzee' because he heard he didn't like SSB. It'll be interesting to see how many fanboys Yahtzee pissed off with this one.

    And I have to say, I do enjoy the SSB series. They are really good party games because like Yahtzee pointed out, there isn't a lot of skill required in playing them.

    I hate the games were you have the super secret twelve button long combo that delivers instant death, because I'm always the person that's pulling shit out of their ass that gets completely owned by someone who knows what they're doing. SSB is pretty basic, so unless you totally suck ass at the game you'll atleast get in a few kills, and besides, who doesn't like having showdown matches between Link and Mario to prove once and for all who is the best Nintendo character.

    Unfortunantly University has kept me from playing my Wii, so I've only played Brawl a bit since it came out. From what I have played though, it wasn't a great big leap from Melee, so I can understand the 'Ehh' from Yahtzee and his pals. Really I think the true saving grace of Brawl is the Subspace Emissary Mode (Which I haven't been able to play but it looks pretty cool, except the final boss is a bit 'WTF?').

    Melee was a step-up from the first SSB, but Brawl just really isn't that different from it's predessesor. In that sense it's almost like an expansion pack by including new characters and levels. That doesn't mean I won't get it however, it just means that I wasn't one of the extreme Nintendo fans that was salivating infront of their computer screen waiting for every new update of the game (As long as they have Link, I'm happy).

    And the inclusion of Snake and Sonic frightened me some. It seems like such a blatant attempt at fanservice that I'm a little worried about the direction of the series...
  3. In Topic: trilby fanart

    Posted 19 Apr 2008

    Version two is done: I added some folds and included an eye hole, so it defiantely looks more mask like now. Hopefully there's aren't many more revisions, as the papers is starting to fray as a result of all the erasing (The lower part of his face on the left side of the image for instance)

    @Casual: Thanks, for a while I didn't have his suit with the pinstripes, I thought they'd be too fiddly to do, but I did them in about 30 seconds (Which made me wonder why in the hell I thought it would be so hard to do them).
    The hat was a bit of a bother, but mostly because I originally had it too tall (I was using my own Trilby hat for reference, which is taller for some reason. That or I have a short head, which is entirely plausible and now that I think of it, far more likely).
    Also, you just made me realize I have no idea where said hat in the hell did I manage that? My dorm room is like, 9 by 8 feet...where the hell is my hat?...

    Anyways, enjoy, and tell me what you think.
  4. In Topic: trilby fanart

    Posted 18 Apr 2008

    QUOTE (DreamerM @ Apr 18 2008, 07:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Think "wrinkles." Wrinkles and shape. Its supposed to be a black velvet mask, so it'll have dramatic highlights and lowlights and be lightweight. It's also got a hole for the eyes.

    Remember, the whole point of a mask is to hide the face. If it makes the face look like a blob, well, it's supposed to! The most prominant parts of the face will determine where the cloth hangs from.

    I was going off the way Trilby looks in AoT, thus the lack of eye holes, but it makes sense that that was done for the high contrast style of the cutscenes and not for realism. I kind of like having a lack of eye holes though. I've started adding in folds and such, but it's kind of making his head look rather lightbulb shaped...
  5. In Topic: trilby fanart

    Posted 18 Apr 2008

    QUOTE (DreamerM @ Apr 18 2008, 06:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Van Integral

    That has got to be a skintight, latex kinda mask. It doesn't hang, it doesn't have any texture, it doesn't even have eyeholes.... think more about the drapery and the shape of his face: it looks here like its his cheeks right above his mouth that's the widest part of his face, and while I'm not someone to say that's wrong, all the art we've gotten from Yahtzee has suggested that Trilby's got a more craggy face with prominent cheekbones and hooded eyes.

    Yeah, I think I'm definantly going to have to re-work this one, the more and more I look at it the more and more I don't really like it (Well, the face atleast).
    I may very well have to go back to the pictures of myself with a t-shirt wrapped around my face, I'm not sure what it is but I cannot figure out how to make a mask that drapes over the face.
    Thanks for the tips though, I'll start working on version 2 of my pic.

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