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Icey's Profile User Rating: ****-

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User is offline Jan 23 2011 02:08 PM

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I'm a big fan of Yahtzee
United States

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Deuacon's homosexual supremacists thread

    Posted 21 Jan 2011

    This was a parachute account? What was the previous beard?
  2. In Topic: Deuacon's homosexual supremacists thread

    Posted 18 Jan 2011

    What are you trying to prove? Single parents get government aid as well, they have a different safety net, and society understands why they have that. They need to feed an extra person. Stop being an idiot and answer a question. The way you're treating this is just making you look like a mentally ill person. If you are, I'm sorry to press this much on you, but I don't go around assuming people are insane.
  3. In Topic: Deuacon's homosexual supremacists thread

    Posted 12 Jan 2011

    You are ridiculous. Couples pay less taxes because people staying together creating strong family units is usually the best thing for everyone, and creates a safety net is a member of the unit turns ill. This is an incentive. It is discriminatory because the qualification to get the incentive doesn't require offspring made through penis in vagina or at all, but sometimes they can't be the same gender. It is also a legal union which tells the universe that this is your life partner, which has all sorts of legal ramification and does give people rights.

    Stop overthinking things.
  4. In Topic: Facts of Life

    Posted 6 Jan 2011

    In most cases people have really good reasons for treating you like dirt. It however doesn't make it your fault that they are miserable. Unless you slept with their wives.

    If you make an assumption, make the most polite one.
  5. In Topic: Pointless random thoughts...

    Posted 3 Jan 2011

    No, it was from you guys. Like you were calling me. My presence was needed to tell someone they are crazy without debating with them.

My Information

Member Title:
38 years old
May 19, 1986
Being infested by parasites. Fighting members of the Kennedy family, kidnapping the President's daughter. Moaning.<br />

Contact Information

Click here to e-mail me
AIM  DokPer
Website URL:
Website URL  http://
ICQ  339501033


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