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User is offline May 03 2009 05:12 AM

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  1. In Topic: The Happening

    Posted 1 May 2009

    I have no idea where you get the "I'm so above this tactic" a matter of fact I don't understand where you get alot of the stuff you do...oh well you win...I'm above this...and as far as the me telling you to basically "shut up because you're so so tired of it"...I don't see where I said that either...I did say "It is really just a matter of personal opinion so let's just leave it at that" and "let's just leave this as we disagree, this is getting old"...nowhere did I ask you to "shut up"...actually what I was asking was to let's just agree that we disagree...I would think most grown adults could understand that concept but apparently not you...oh well you win again...I asked you to "shut up"...happy?

    Hoth. You said that I would not be able to find any opther director who made horror as well as Shyamalan. you said that you yourself couldn't think of a single director apart from Alfred Hitchcock, who is dead.

    As far as what Shyamalan does being "handled better by a lot of other filmmakers" I can only think of one other filmmaker where this would be true...the afforementioned Hitchcock. Aside from him, this statement is also ludicrous.

    Man talk about hitting a nerve, you just really seem to be annoyed by this idea that someone might actually like Shyamalan's films...I'll repeat myself again, "One thing is for sure, you would be hard-pressed to find a director who can scare so much while using so little." Didn't think I would have to post that three times but hey...what I'm referring to there is a little thing called "suspense". There is a big difference between someone being scared by a monster jumping out of the closet, and a person being scared by a monster NOT jumping out of the closet...this is something I feel Shyamalan does extremely well. Suspense does not necessarily fall into the "horror" category...but as far as suspense goes, as I said before (yawn) I never said he's the first to do it, not the last, nor the greatest to ever do it...but you saying I think he's the greatest "horror" director ever is..I don't know...again you win whatever you say...

    His screenplays suck

    No they don't...but again this is a matter of personal taste...which is actually why I said let's just agree to disagree...or as you put it...I told you to shut up...

    You came in and disagreed with me, saying that Shyamalan was in fact a great director and that none of my points had therefore any validity.

    Actually saying that I said none of your points had any validity is not true...we both agree that LITW and THE HAPPENING sucked big-time...we also agree that Hitchcock was a great there we do agree on some things!!!

    You may be backpedalling on a lot of your over-the-top claims now, but you did in fact sing Shyamalan's praises quite heavily and frequently throughout this conversation. Any repetition here has derived from you making the same retorts to the same points again and again, while simultaneously claiming not to have made those retorts in the first place.

    I' m not backpedalling on anything, as I stated in my last post if I was probably unclear on anything it was how bad I think/agree his movies have gotten (so I guess this would include his abilities as a writer/director have taken a dive as well). So if you want to call me out for being unclear on one point since you obviously have to be told your right then fine I will give you that...yes I have sung his praises throughout my posts...and for good reason...his first few movies, while if not awesome, at least deserved serious consideration. Any repetition here has derived from you looking too deep into, or simply misquoting me, for God knows what reason...and then me feeling the need to "clarify" myself because of it...

    I created a thread where I criticized this terrible movie THE HAPPENING. You came in and disagreed with me

    I think this is where the real issue lies here...

    You have mentioned a few times throughout this conversation something along the lines of how you have "seen these tactics before 10000 times", or something like that, in referring to my posts. And how your "use to them" and "know the usual retorts", da da da da you feel the need to let me know how smart you are or something. You are correct, you created this thread criticizing a truly awful movie THE HAPPENING (which ironically I totally agree with, for albeit different reasons) and I came in and did not agree with some of your viewpoints concerning a certain director. And ever since my first post this thread has pretty much been nothing but me and you bickering back and forth about our opinions or your take on my opinions or who said what or whaterver...which is exactly why I said let's just "leave this as we disagree"...if you don't want someone to disagree with you, then don't post an open thread where anyone can share there opinions...

  2. In Topic: The Happening

    Posted 30 Apr 2009

    This is so tedious it's almost not worth it at this point, but for "points' sake...hey!!! No pun intended...since you seem to like to quote me without really quoting me (otherwise known as misquoting) I have taken it upon myself to go back through this post and accurately "quote" myself where necessary....

    Hoth, you did in fact deny that Shyamalan's screenplays were bad. That's why I chose to "belabor the point." You first said that they couldn't be that bad because the films had good actors in them.

    You' re exactly right I did...but the point you "belabored" was that I denied saying that, when I never did. I did deny saying they were good that's true...again my exact words were "I seriously doubt he would have been able to do that if his drafts were really that bad." I admittedly (like you) have never read one, so it is possible that I could be wrong...however the bottom line is here you think the dialogue in his movies is awful, thus the screenplays must be awful. I do not think the dialogue in his movies is awful, so I don't see how his screenplays can be that awful. It is really just a matter of personal opinion so let's just leave it at that...

    You also say that his movies are not that bad because they are not "the typical over-CGI'd crap hollywood is putting out nowadays." MOST Hollywood movies are in fact not over-CGI'd crap, so they have that in common with a lot of other crap films as well as some really really excellent ones.

    Yes you would be correct when it comes to the entire film industry as a whole I will give you that. I was actually referring to the big "blockbusters", that seem to garner most of the attention and in which case this is true. Wait, is this clarifying...?

    You did in fact say that Shyamalan's use of "little" to do "a lot" was if not unique then at least noteworthy and special. If you are trying to take that back now, you are welcome to.

    I feel the need to accurately quote myself here. What I actually said was "One thing is for sure, you would be hard-pressed to find a director who can scare so much while using so little." I never said he was the first to ever do it, nor the last, nor the greatest of all time...but if you want to take it that way hey, more power to ya'...

    I don't understand any of the rest of your post. It sounds like you're saying that you don't think his stuff is any good anymore, and it's unclear at what point you say he turned to shit. However you do seem to say that while you think his stuff is getting progressively worse, he is still the foremost living director, and in fact only one non-living director is any better than he is.

    I'm sure I misunderstood that, but it really sounds like you think Shyamalan is the second-greatest horror director, worldwide, of all time. I disagree.

    It' s not really unclear where I said he turned to...ummm...shit. Again I will go back to my previous trusty posts and accurately quote myself. What I said was "I agree with most people that Shyamalan's movies have slowly (or quickly depending on your point of view) been taking a dive lately. I however don't agree that it took place before the Village. I do believe that "Signs" was his best movie, followed by the criminally underrated "Unbreakable" and then probably "The Village", which was disappointing but I don't think was nearly as bad as most people think." So there you have it, it's not unclear where I think his movies started to take a dive, all you had to do is actually read my post.

    As far as saying he is the "foremost living director" or the "second-greatest horror director of all time"? I couldn't find myself saying that anywhere in my posts, so I can't quote myself there...I probably should have been more clear though as to how bad I think/agree his movies have gotten. LITW and THE HAPPENING are really two of the worst movies I have seen in the last four years or so, so I don't know if I can still say he is great at suspense. Let me just say though that the ability, for my part anyways, I believe is still there...and I hope he gets back to it soon.

    let's just leave this as we disagree, this is getting old.

  3. In Topic: The Happening

    Posted 25 Apr 2009

    Ok I've been out of touch for a while, but I"m back and I just had to respond to this, if anyone still cares...

    So There. YES, you DID say that his screenplays cannot be that bad because the films have "good" actors in them...The writing is bad.

    I said that his screenplays cannot be that bad because of the actors who took up his projects. Yes I said that...I cannot deny this, but I am wondering why you felt it so important to belabor that point when I once never denied it? I did not say his screenplays were world-beaters, but Shymalan's movies are not the typical over-CGI'd crap hollywood is putting out nowadays...his stories are original whether or not you like the "dialogue" or "writing" or not. People can relate to the dialogue in his movies, I just don't see the "bad writing" or "bad dialogue" viewpoint, I think it's ridiculous. You're just another person who overthinks one aspect of a movie (like acting or dialogue) and anyone who doesn't see your amazing "insight" is apparently below you. Shyamalan's dialogue may be simple or "campy" at times, but I definately don't find it insultingly bad...well maybe in his last two movies, but not prior to that.

    You also said that his movies scared so much by showing so little of the monster, like this is something unique.

    I never said this was unique, just something he does well. I'll tell you what is unique though, how many times you put words in my mouth.

    I refer you to THE RING, which a lot of people thought was really scary...Until the very end, you don't see much of anything. Compare with all the dead bodies and ghosts of THE SIXTH SENSE; THE RING shows in fact much less than Shyamalan. And of course THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, which a lot of people swear to God is scary, showed literally nothing ever.

    I like you didn't think THE RING was scary, nor do I know anyone who referred to it as scary, but to every man his own. I never saw THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, and don't really care to. As far as the THE SIXTH SENSE showing much more than THE RING or THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT? Not really sure I see that one...if you want to just choose ONE or TWO other movies to compare ONE of Shymalan's movies to to show "how much more Shyamalan" shows than other directors, it's a weak argument. I could just as easily pick one or two horror/suspense movie out the great big hat of terrible/mediocre horror/suspense movies to show how Shyamalan shows less...certainly you can do better than that. I find it funny that you chose one of his movies that "arguably" shows more than any other movie he made to make that argument.

    Apart from the slasher films and the gorefests, EVERY successful horror director uses your definition of "very little" to make with the scary. Wes Craven is a master of this. So you can make a big deal about this re: Shyamaln, but he is doing nothing that isn't already common and handled much better by a lot of other flmmakers.

    Just don't agree with this statement...Wes Craven shows less? I must admit I'm not a Wes Craven junkie but from what I know about the movies of his that I have seen, that statement's a joke. As far as what Shyamalan does being "handled better by a lot of other filmmakers" I can only think of one other filmmaker where this would be true...the afforementioned Hitchcock. Aside from him, this statement is also ludicrous.

    I am not sure how I could "prove" that the general public is not that impressed with Shyamalan. I am not going to start a survey, but maybe there's one already on the Internet? Perhaps telling you that imdb ratings tend to run fairly high even for the worst films, and that since SIXTH SENSE's 8.2/10 Shyamalan has had a gradual decline in approval from the masses (UNBREAKBALE 7.2; SIGNS 6.9; THE VILLAGE 6.6; LADY IN THE WATER5.9; THE HAPPENING 5.3)? Maybe you won't approve of imdb's public response engine and you prefer metacritic, which is a survey of all professional critical response (THE SIXTH SENSE 64%; UNBREAKBALE 62%; SIGNS 59%; THE VILLAGE 44%; LADY IN THE WATER 36%; THE HAPPENING 34%)?

    If you read my previous post on this subject I think I have agreed that his movies have "generally" gotten worse. Why are you again trying to prove a point I've already stated and obviously agree with? I think the issue in question was whether or not people actually like Shyamalan, rather than whether or not his movies have gradually gotten worse.

    I really can't remember the last time that I was scared of a movie, much less one of M. Night's.

    The last movie of his that scared me was The Village, that was before I found out the monsters weren't real.

    The problem is that filmakers use these because they THINK they work. So, instead of creating characters that people can identify with and putting these characters in scary situations, they throw in another somber note on the keyboard, and expect people to poop their pants. These elements CAN be used to make something scary, but are not scary in and of themselves.

    COULD NOT agree more. I liken this to how many times I have heard a director refer to someone getting physically hurt in a comedy as funny material. That always drives me nuts when I hear that, because it's not just someone getting hurt that's's the situation, the character of the individual(s) involved, the events leading up to said moment...etc...and it takes time and effort to come up with those situations, or to put the right people in I don't disagree with your argument in this sense...I just don't know how anyone can say Shyamalan doesn't put people (should I say use to put people) in scary situations, or utilize suspense well.
  4. In Topic: The Happening

    Posted 16 Feb 2009

    I don't really see the distinction Hoth. Ok, his *screenplays* are not good simply because good actors sign to them. His *screenplays* are bad even though good actors sign to them. Hence his movies are bad, because they are derived from bad *screenplays*. They appear less bad to some because they have good actors in them (assuming we're still talkng about Zooey and Wahlberg and Leguizamo, IMO not really the cream of the crop).

    The actor, I don't care how good, cannot make up for a bad screenplay...they could have had the best actor in the world play Wahlberg's part in The Happening and it wouldn't have made a difference...why? Because the premise was as stupid as can be. Have there been bad movies that resulted from seemingly good screenplays? Of course...probably more than can be numbered. The point is, the draft or screenplay is not always an accurate indicator as to how good the movie will be. Just like in novels, they don't always translate to the big screen well, for a host of various reasons that I won't get into here.

    Knew you'd try to call me on the living versus dead director business; this is the usual game of changing the scope of the question after an answer is put forward. I named Hitchcock just to see whether you'd do that. I've been to the Internet before, and I know that this game can go on forever. I could name a Japanese director now, just to bait you to say "I meant American directors," and it would be SOOOOOO easy, but I won't.

    That' s just ridiculous. I said what I meant and meant what I said. Don't try and turn it into something it's not to make yourself sound more intelligent.

    Instead I'll call you on something else in your statement: Shyamalan does not scare so much with so little. His films actually use quite a lot; they rely on all the familiar tropes of horror. He uses music, slow reaction shots, periods of silence followed by bursts of sound, the very simplistic idea of a character not knowing what is outside the camera frame, darkness, woods, night, ghosts, aliens, mysterious creatures from beneath the sea, and THE UNKNOWN. His films are stereotypical horror, right up to the "twist" at the end of most of them.

    What the hell else is he suppose to use? There isn't a horror/suspense film ever made that doesn't use one or all of these to some effect. There's a reason this is the case, THEY WORK. The fact is that Shyamalan uses them to great effect better than any other (living, better clarify this for you) director I know of. What I meant (oh no I'm clarifying again) is that he produces great suspense by showing little of the monster/alien/antagonist in question, and he does it extremely well.

    Fact is, this is a question of opinion and personal taste.

    I will actually agree with your sentence here. This is a matter of personal taste.

    You like Shaymalan, and most everyone else does not.

    I would love to see proof of this. I'll bet you don't have any. Because I know a lot of people who do (at least before his last two movies). Maybe most of the people you have talked to don't, but not most of the people I know.

    He does in fact get movies made and those movies have recognized actors in them, but you are not free to say that because of this fact the screenplays are therefore good (or to quote your argument directly, you doubt they could be all that bad). The screenplays are in fact hard to read; they contain dialogue that sounds like it came out of a classroom, before the workshopping and cast readings. The people do not talk like people, they talk like characters in a screenplay.

    Again a matter of personal opinion and I think it's funny how you say it's a matter of opinion and then rattle yours off like it's fact. I have never read one of his screenplays (I am assuming you have) and I don't really care to or have to. Why would I give a crap? The only thing I care about is the finish product, the movie itself. And he has made a couple of amazing movies, a couple of really good movies, and a couple that are complete garbage. But again, that's a matter of personal taste.

    The logic of your argument is flawed because one of its premises is not supported, being that any film with "good" actors in it must have had a good (or "not-that-bad") screeenplay.

    Quit getting so emotional with your preconceived ideas and prepared speeches. I never said that a movie that has a good actor in it means it must have had a good screenplay. (I clarified again, your eyes must be popping out of their sockets by now.) I "clarify" because you "assume". That simple.

    Your other points are also flawed, because he does not "scare" (his films are not scary) with "so little" (in fact he uses quite a lot).

    I know a lot of people who were scared by a few of his movies, as was myself. Again a matter of personal opinion. If you don't like them, fine..don't watch them..and don't read the screenplays either. But that's just common sense.
  5. In Topic: The Happening

    Posted 14 Feb 2009

    Alfred Hitchcock. Every movie he ever made, utilized a notion of suspense apparently lost on the majority of directors in Hollywood, even though they teach his stuff in film school. I was NOT hard pressed to come up with that name by the way; it took me less than one second.

    My comment did not include directors who are no longer alive. I should have said "any current director". Of course Hitchcock would be one...that should kind of go without saying civilian_number_two. After all Hitchcock is who Shyamalan was much compared to in his earlier movies...

    The argument that he gets good actors, therefore his movies must be good is facile. You could use that same argument for Kevin Smith, or for Woody Allen (you could use that argument in fact for every bad movie that has a good actor in it). The fact is, not all of their movies are good. I would say that Woody is hit and miss, Smith is a matter of taste (I can't stand his stuff but HE seems nice), and Shyamalan is not yet recognized as the worst "important" director in Hollywood.

    I don't think I ever said his movies are good because he gets good my post again and tell me where I said that? Actually I think what I said was he wouldn't be able to get top-notch actors "if his drafts were really that bad." I don't think that statement has anything to do with the finished product itself. Of course there are bad movies with high-quality actors in them...actually most movies made are complete crap, and I know of many that have actors who are well-respected.

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New Cop
51 years old
September 2, 1973
Clarkston, Mi

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