Night Life: BatPoPeMk3000 - Viewing Profile

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BatPoPeMk3000's Profile User Rating: -----

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FullyRamblomatic Forums (2 posts)
31-August 07
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User is offline Sep 03 2007 11:23 AM

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How did you find the site?:
A few years ago my friend was exploring AGS. There was one game he had downloaded but was too nervous to play cos of the violent content. It was 5 Days A Stranger. In the meantime we played Rob Blanc.

A few years later, I discovered AGS on a PCFormat demo disk. I downloaded it and had fun creating a rubbishy game. I then went on the website to look at other games and the only game which caught my eye was 5 Days A Stranger. I plucked up the courage to play it when my parents were out. The gore was unimpressive but a fun time was had and I proceeded to play every game on FullyRamblomatic.

And now I am joining in the forums to contribute.

Trident soft gum is delish.
United Kingdom

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Topics I've Started

  1. The greatest first post EVA

    Posted 31 Aug 2007

    How come in Rob Blanc III, when Rob is trapped in Paul's trellis cage thing, he shouts out the number "2"?

    If I did that now it would it would seem very strange.

    2!! ! Y'see? Most peculiar.

My Information

Member Title:
New Cop
31 years old
December 8, 1992
ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha
Standing on tall grey buildings while very still lighting clashes around me, drinking blackcurrant squash and then vomiting purple. Hey, this is the interests box, why not GO WILD???

Contact Information

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Website URL  http://


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