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georgelucas4greedo's Profile User Rating: -----

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Star Wars Fan Convention (325 posts)
12-July 05
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User is offline Aug 19 2008 11:32 AM

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Topics I've Started

  1. I Am Legend

    Posted 30 Oct 2007

    So I saw the trailer for I am Legend. When I saw the deer and the lions parading around NYC, I thought Holy Shoot that's pretty awesome. And then I did some reading up on it and it seems like just another 28 Days Later. It leads me to my soap box point devil.gif : The fantasy genre is infinite, yet Hollywood et al keeps pumping out the same movies.
  2. Watto

    Posted 2 Aug 2007

    So, Watto has a force proof head as Chefelf mocked, and is able to comprehend that Jedi are duplicitous bullies. Yet, he gambles with Qui-Gon. He throws easily manipulated dice on the floor rightg in front of a Jedi Master. Its just bad story writing.
  3. Jar Jar Binks

    Posted 31 Jul 2007

    Too funny to pass up:

    "Rumors as to a depiction of his ultimate fate (or rather, lack thereof) proliferated when the 2004 DVD version of Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi was released, featuring a newly added shot of Naboo in the celebration montage featuring a distant Gungan standing atop a pillar who shouts "Wesa free!" exactly 2 hours, 5 minutes, 49 seconds into the movie. The official Star Wars website's character databank file on Jar Jar, however, does not list Return of the Jedi as one of his appearances, while Gungans are listed, suggesting that a conscious distinction may have been made.

    This topic of disagreement, however, within fandom has been largely put to rest recently as George Lucas has personally stated that the Gungan in question is not Jar Jar. He has also debunked the rumor that Jar Jar perished on Alderaan when it was destroyed by the Death Star in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. The most recent claim is that Jar Jar returned to Coruscant and served in the Imperial Senate and eventually settled down with a family, presumably dying of old age.

    Another possible fate can be found in Star Wars Battlefront II. At the start of the Rise of the Empire campaign mission on Naboo, the retired clone trooper states that several of Naboo's ambassadors were sent home in various states of dismemberment. Since Jar Jar was a senator of Naboo, it is possible that Jar Jar was one of the ambassadors who were dismembered."

    I just love how Georgie Boy gets so uptight about Binks. The bashers just want to see him dead and Lucas tries so hard to maintain Binks' legitimacy.
  4. Lucas Mocks Spider Man 3

    Posted 26 Jul 2007

    On Spiderman 3: "It's silly. It's a silly movie," he said. "There just isn't much there. Once you take it all apart, there's not much story, is there?"

    "People thought 'Star Wars' was silly, too," he added, with a wink. "But it wasn't."
  5. Apocalyspe Wow!

    Posted 6 Jul 2007

    Found this on some website:
    "Harrison nearly worked with director George Lucas again on Apocalypse Now when Lucas was in line to direct the picture."

    Could you imagine the movie had Lucas directed it?

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40 years old
April 26, 1984

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