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Dorothy's Profile User Rating: *****

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17-May 05
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User is offline Dec 22 2011 11:16 PM

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Icon   Dorothy sleeeeeepy...

Topics I've Started

  1. Best Movies of 2010 & Predictions for 2011

    Posted 19 Jan 2011

    Ok, so... What did you see last year that really impressed you? Doesn't have to be released last year, just viewed within the confines of Jan-Dec 2010. And what looks made of awesome for 2011?

    I would have to pick Dinner for Shmucks as my comedy, Red as my action, and ... I didn't really have a horror.

    For 2011, not really a prediction, but The Green Hornet was not bad, despite the fact that Seth Rogen has funny teeth and is a potato.


    (Please don't say Avatar... :crying: )
  2. Coming Soon!!

    Posted 9 Jul 2008

    Welcome to the new thread exclusively designated for movies that have not come out yet. Be they movies that you would like to see created, or movies that will be released soon, I say we shall discuss them to within an inch of their lives. They will never know what hit them.

    So, new movies... Rated from "Yes, Please" to "Aw, Hecks No."

    I'll begin the discussion with one actual and one rumor:

    Hellboy 2 - "Yes, Please." Ok, I know, but I can't help it. I love Hellboy. There I said it. I feel bad, but I just can't change the way I am. I wish I could do something about this. But I can't. But I can promise you two things. One: I'll always look this good. Two: I'll be there opening night.

    Kingdom Hearts - "Yes, Please." I read about this on the Wikipedia one day, but haven't been able to find out anything else about it since then. I think it could be good. Or very bad.

  3. Thar be changes ahead

    Posted 1 Jun 2006

    Ok, so I was reading in this monthly magazine I get from Costco (which is one of my favorite stores, by the way) and in the Travel Connection section it highlighted Disneyland's Pirates of the Caribbean because...wait for it ... the are updating the ride. Updatey. In case you are not inclined to click and read, basically they are adding Jack Sparrow and Barbossa to the characters featured on this ride, as well as updating the lighting and special effects. The addition of Jack and Barbossa will change the theme of the ride a bit, because now it will feature a bit of a race to some treasure.

    I really don't know how to take this... On one hand, I really like Jack and the movies, and on the other hand, Pirates has always been one of my favorite rides at Disneyland, and I hate to have the magic ruined by tampering.

    Thoughts? pirate.gif?
  4. 30 Seconds of Star Wars

    Posted 5 Jan 2006

    Take a look at this! laugh.gif

    It's beautiful!
  5. At the end of the day...

    Posted 21 Sep 2005

    I have spent my share of time hating the PT, and in turn having strong feelings of dislike for GL for what he has done to this story. But, at the end of the day, the PT still exists, and cannot be ignored. So, that leaves me with the question, what could be done or what storylines could be expounded upon between the existing movies to improve the story? Any thoughts? (I apologize if this has been done)

My Information

Member Title:
We supply it, we demand you eat it.
45 years old
September 3, 1979

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    Dorothy Icon

    06 Dec 2007 - 18:41
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