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DBrennan3333's Profile User Rating: -----

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Star Wars Fan Convention (24 posts)
19-January 05
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User is offline Jul 01 2005 05:26 PM

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A message board post at lead me to "64 Reasons to Hate 'Attack of the Clones.'"
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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Where to get original SW Trilogy?

    Posted 23 May 2005

    Buying that Star Wars Trilogy "Definitive Edition" (until Old George Lucas decided that "definitive" meant that you change the movies entirely and then deny that they ever existed in the first place) was definitely a rare pop culture buy that I don't look back on with regret.

    I'm going to listen to my favorite tune right now, "Yub Nub" (and I'm not joking, either.)
  2. In Topic: Where to get original SW Trilogy?

    Posted 22 May 2005

    Next time there is a comic book or science fiction convention in your area, you will almost certainly be able to purchase burned DVD's there. I went to the local "Motor City Comic Convention" and they had every conceviable Star Wars object for sale on DVD at prices in the 10-15 dollar range. (I bought the DVD of "Clone Wars: Volume 2" for $12.

    As for me personally..... jpg&.src=ph

  3. In Topic: Just saw AOTC again

    Posted 16 May 2005

    Here's a poll you can take....

    Which movie looked more realistic: Toy Story or AOTC?

    AOTC was the first SW movie w/o great special effects, and it wasn't just that they weren't great, they were awful. The things that were supposed to look like threatening organic creatures and natural environments looked like animatics, the images were explicitly digital, one glance lets you know you're in a synthetic world.

    Did the special effects guys even give it a special effects nomination at the Oscars?
  4. In Topic: ROTS REVIEW

    Posted 13 May 2005

    Certainly there will be some people who don't like ROTS, just as there were people who didn't like 'Titanic' (the most successful of all time both in the U.S. and globally by a MILE) and there were people who DID like 'Gigli' (Jimmy Kimmel said he liked it, so there's a trivia question you can use at your next pop culture shindig).

    But I am 100% certain that the vast majority of people who see it will enjoy ROTS, most of them quite intensely.

    And the fact that this particualr critic says that the picture will get "thunderous applause" is proof that either (1) he doesn't really believe his own points about the picture or (2) he's hedging his bet in case it's a bit hit, which shows that he's a phony.

    Really, I can decide for myself whether I like a picture or not. I mean, I don't need this dude to tell ME what I think of a movie. Sure, sometimes I read critics because there's something about a picture that gnaws at me which I can't articulate, so I dig through a few reviews in hopes of swiping a good point, but that's the rarity.

    I took my younger brothers to see a remake of one of my all time favorite pictures, 'The Manchurian Candidate,' because the critics were slobbering all over it. It was the biggest piece of shit any of us had ever seen. It's my money, my time. I'll fucking decide what I think.
  5. In Topic: How lame is the cartoon...

    Posted 16 Apr 2005

    I didn't like Volume One of Clone Wars but I think that Volume Two was awesome. They listened to the audience and they added some actual story and dialogue to it rather than just making it endless action, endless STUPID action (like the aforementioned part where Mace Windu destroys an entire army - what worthless pansies the Seperatists would have to be!)

My Information

Member Title:
New Cop
44 years old
August 26, 1980
Oakland County, Michigan
Aside from finding myself pathetically addicted to ChefElf's writings, I'm big on:<br /><br />-Star Wars<br />-Futurism<br />-Studying Systems<br />-The Matrix <br />-PS2<br /><br />But that's kind of forcing myself to be specific about things that are ever-changing and actually really broad in the first place. <br /><br />Really I get interested in lots of things.

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