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Jen's Profile User Rating: *****

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397 (0.05 per day)
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The Lobby (General Chat) (124 posts)
30-October 03
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User is offline Mar 21 2009 10:33 PM

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  1. In Topic: Life on Mars Towed My Car

    Posted 27 Jan 2009

    Both of Civ's guesses are correct. Across the street from where the car had once been were a half-dozen or so late-60s/early 70s-model cars. On the side of the street where the car should have been were the pink signs and no cars -- presumably they were going to park Michael Imperioli's trailer or craft service or some lights or whatever there.

    Note: the many times they have filmed Law and Order up in the park, I feel the largest form of disruption has been tons of PAs with clipboards infesting the surroundings. L&O keeps it lean. That being said, I'm obviously biased.
  2. In Topic: Thanksgiving a la Americain

    Posted 1 Dec 2008

    Nate may or may not be a flag-waving jingoist!
  3. In Topic: Thanksgiving a la Americain

    Posted 28 Nov 2008

    What will you use for the Stripes?

    That' s up to him. I was perfectly happy with my pie, which I deny had Canadian maple leaves on it. Sure, it's the same cookie cutter I use for Canadian maple leaves, but in this specific instance they were representing generic, harvest-time leaves.
  • In Topic: Happy Birthday

    Posted 17 Nov 2008

    Happy happy, Civ#2! Best birthday wishes and happy returns and all the like.

  • In Topic: Some Things I'm Sick Of

    Posted 31 Oct 2008

    Hi Civ! As always, a pleasure to read your cogent, impeccable prose. happy.gif
  • My Information

    Member Title:
    Mrs. Chefelf
    44 years old
    June 27, 1980
    The wilds of Spanish Canada in NYC
    Being Chefelf's girlfriend has been an interest of mine for some time now. I also enjoy am interested in packing, unpacking, and organizing acres of cardboard boxes into a livable structure.

    Contact Information

    Click here to e-mail me
    Website URL:
    Website URL  http://


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