Night Life: ion eon - Viewing Profile

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ion eon's Profile User Rating: -----

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12-August 05
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User is offline Oct 25 2009 04:55 AM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Ninjas

    Posted 17 Apr 2008

    Ninjas are so much better and superior to pirates in every way
    denying it is pointless
    its just true
  2. The power of an individual

    Posted 27 Dec 2007

    An idea. It is the power behind all great leaders’ words. It is the intangible essence that makes up all significant events. It is what brings men together. It is the force that drives every action and every motive. It is the embodiment of power.
    In this day in age we are not taught the strength we all as individuals truly possess. The capability of even one human being is virtually limitless. But, unfortunately, a lack of motivation has swept this world, affecting, in particular, the youth. We... who will make the future lack the ability to do so. Leaders are a dying breed, and with every breath I curse the unforgivable constrictions put on individualism of a being. Can a man not think for himself without being held accounted for? Is it really so inconceivable that discrepancies should and will occur? No. It is most certainly not. And while I watch the world decay I can not help but laugh for it is those who swore to uphold the rights of everyone that are stripping society bare. They possess a great power... the power of fear. However we, as a people, possess a greater. Our minds and our ability to think. That is the one thing they can never take away, and I wish more would realize that. To quote V from V for Vendetta, “Behind this mask there is more than flesh and bone, there is an idea... and ideas... are bulletproof.”
  3. Blow of some steam

    Posted 22 Apr 2007

    Listen up, if somethin is making you mad, let it out and let us know, so we can either make fun of you, or try to console you like so:

    BOSS: My computer sucks and im contemplating shooting it with a 12 gauge so my parents will finally buy a new one.
  4. I wish i was an oscar meyer wiener

    Posted 22 Apr 2007

    I dont really wish that at all, but we all have hopes and dreams right? I mean, not a single one of you doesnt from time to time wish they could do and be something? What is that something to you? Me? I wish i was some super sweet super-hero or something, but i wasnt a total hero, i was kinda chaotic nuetral, if you catch my drift... so what do you wish you could be?
  5. Movie Mash

    Posted 26 Jul 2006

    Well, its time to contibute this to the forum. THe game is to think of 3 movies that would be funny if combined.

    ex-passion of the christ, donnie darko, and home alone 4
    back to the future, mulan rougue, and terminator 2 etc etc

My Information

Member Title:
33 years old
April 25, 1991
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Contact Information

AIM  none
MSN  kc_random_man
Website URL:
Website URL  http://
Yahoo  kc_random_man


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