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User is offline Feb 13 2012 02:32 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Star Trek

    Posted 18 Nov 2008


    I am really excited and really apprehensive all at the same time.

    Thoughts, anyone?
  2. Help?

    Posted 10 Nov 2008

    Hey guys, I was wondering if you could help me with an art project. I know this might seem a little spammy but I really need the help. I've been advertising all over the place, and I get a lot of "oh how cool I will help I promise!" But only a few people have actually done anything.

    The info is here:

    Basically I am collecting self-portraits. But the photographs cannot contain anything human. So no faces, toes, whatever. So one has to be creative in thinking how they can represent themselves through use of objects, environment, etc.

    I am experimenting with a sort of concept... that I don't know how to explain. I am an artist, but I am an instigator of art... The project is not only in the collection, but in the instigation and participation of all sorts of people from all over. (Kind of like that guy whose greatest art work is to fill a giant clear box up with sperm donations...)

    So yeah... If any of you guys could participate, I'd really appreciate it. And tell anyone else you think might be interested (or that can further forward it to OTHER people that might be interested)... I wanted to get like, hundreds of photos to put up, but as of right now I only have about 50. sad.gif

  3. Internet Grassroots movement to write-in new candidate

    Posted 13 Oct 2008

    http:// altl=Fmg
  4. Bailout

    Posted 24 Sep 2008

    http:// market-ticker...All-Frauds. html

    This article explains it fairly well, though it is biased against it.

    Anyone have anything new or good to say about this plan?
  5. Supes versus... Sub-Zero???

    Posted 7 Jul 2008

    To me, this seems utterly ridiculous at the same time as totally awesome.

    "This game may or may not be canon, that has yet to be decided. There will be no Fatalities, but there will be finishing moves that finish the opponent in a spectacular way, but it won't be gory. While there will be blood, the game will be rated "T", however, Midway is looking to push the "T" rating as close to "M" as possible without crossing the line. ...

    The DC universe will take place in modern day. From this, I gather there will be no "future" characters like "V" from V for Vendetta. MK vs DCU will feature a story mode from two different perspectives, one from the DC side, and one from the MK side. Ed Boon mentioned that the DC characters will see the MK characters as the invaders, and vice-versa. The character count may be 22 characters total. 20 is the minimum expected. As before, half will be MK and half will be DC. Ed Boon said that the most "iconic" characters from MK and DC will appear. Equally, there will be various MK and DC arenas.

    Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and Sonya, have been confirmed for the MK side, and Batman, Flash, and Superman are confirmed for the DC side. A note about Superman, due to the universal merger storyline, he is weakened by the magic effects, making him a balanced character. One thing that is not known to some people is that Superman's weakness is not limited to Kryptonite, he can also be weakened by magic. ..."

    Source: http://forums.midway. ..28611788/p1/?53

    Any thoughts? I think maybe they can pull it off. Very strange universes to pull together, though.

My Information

Member Title:
37 years old
December 18, 1986

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