"If I had the time and a sledgehammer, I would track down every bootlegged copy of that program and smash it."
- George Lucas

Awkward Conversation with Leia and Threepio |
Meanwhile, Princess Leia is typing away at a nice IBM typewriter while Threepio stands there like a dork. No attempt is made to make the typewriter look like anything but an IBM typewriter from 1978. After a moment of this, their idiot session is interrupted by a call from Malla. They exchange pleasantries for about 10 seconds when Leia quite rudely says, "I... I don't want to tie up the channels. So, could you do me a favor and send either Chewbacca or Han Solo to the screen please?"
"Look busy, Threepio. There's no telling when a bunch of random Wookiees could call us. We don't want to expose the Rebellion for the collection of layabouts that it is."
Threepio instead offers a translation that this will not be possible because they haven't arrived yet. We can only assume that he has censored any expletives Malla may have had for Leia's rude welcome.
It is worthy of mentioning that Carrie Fisher looks her worst in this scene. She doesn't look at her worst for just this special, but rather her entire life. Perhaps it was a drug-induced stupor which caused Carrie to look so bad. Regardless of cause, it is remarkable how someone as imperically good-looking at Carrie Fisher could have her appearance tarnished by the simple association with The STar Wars Holiday Special.
A quick observation of Carrie Fisher in regular dress compared with her appearance in the special shows exactly how bad she looked.
Carrie Fisher c. 1978 (Normal) |
Carrie Fisher c. 1978 (Holiday Special) |
The scene just sort of goes on and ends awkwardly when Saundan says, "Now then. What's that I smell? Could it be some of those famous, Wookiee-ookies?" Malla shakes her head to indicate that that is in fact what Saundan smells and the two of them sort of wander off camera while it lingers on a bookshelf a little too long.