Saundan Gives Wookiees Clearly Inappropriate Presents. |
Malla laments a bit more by looking at her photo of Chewbacca when the computer starts making a loud noise. It appears that the computer wants them to play a game of Maze Craze until an Imperial officer appears on the screen and informs the viewers that, "Due to suspected Rebel activity on the Kashyyyk* planet, the Empire has declared martial law. A blockade has been set up around the planet. No ships will be permitted to land or take off until further notice."
There is a knocking at the door, but it turns out to be Saundan and not the expected Imperial soldiers. He gives them all presents and refuses to give Malla her present until she gives him a kiss. She reluctantly kisses him and claims her gift from the lecherous bastard.
Pressuring Wookiees into sexual situations never goes out of style.
Lumpy galumphs upstairs to open his present which looks like an old computer keyboard and some random Legos.
Saundan takes Itchy aside and gives him his present. Itchy's present, in the true spirit of Life Day, appears to be a pornographic virtual reality simulation. The simulation is hosted by legendary singer and actress Diahann Carroll!
*He clearly pronounces it "Kazook".