Cooking with Wookiees |
With her husband missing in action against the enemy and her friend being raided by Imperials, Malla decides to take some time to begin preparing her Life Day feast. She turns on the television to reveal some sort of Wookiee cooking show. The Wookiee equivalent of the Food Network seems to be a bit primitive. It features a woman (played by Harvey Korman) who bears a striking resemblance to one of Willy Wonka's Oompa-Loompas. It is apparently a Julia Child impression gone tragically wrong.
Gormaanda: The obnoxious travelling gourmet.
She goes through a lengthy production of how to prepare "Bantha Surprise".
Now we have to watch Malla as she follows along to this cooking show's step-by-step instructions. As a student of the culinary arts I can see no value in any of the techniques being employed by this idiot. The complexity of the beats, stirs and whips reaches a fever pitch only to conclude with the brilliant punch line that the TV cook has a third and fourth arm so Malla cannot keep up.
Discouraged, Mallas flips off the screen and abandons her dinner preparations only after lifting the entire pot to her mouth to drink from it.