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User is offline Jul 20 2005 10:45 PM

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  1. In Topic: 91 Reasons to Hate Episode III

    Posted 20 Jul 2005

    QUOTE (diligent_d @ Jul 20 2005, 09:25 PM)
    No he isn't. 

    In ROTJ, he was calculating, cold, reserved.  He wasn't a cackling idiot.  Even when electro-frying Luke, he merely grimaced a bit, he didn't cackle and jump around a like a bloody baffoon with a rubber mask.

    You did not hear him cackling various times in ROTJ? You are saying he is not a madman?
  2. In Topic: 91 Reasons to Hate Episode III

    Posted 20 Jul 2005

    It's hard to regard someones opinion to me when they attack Ian Mcdiarmid's acting.

    The "NO! NO! NO! YOU WILL DIE!" was one of my favorite parts of the movie, it was like he was so full of the darkside and somewhat of an exorcist moment. I looked forward to it everytime I see the movie and will continue to do so. I did not find it something to chuckle about in the least. Palpatine was finally unleashing his power after all those years of holding back. He's supposed to be a madman.
    As far as those exp​ressions on his face during his duel with Mace, what did you want him to do? Show no facial exp​ressions whatsoever? Isn't NO exp​ression what people try to call wooden? I like Palpatine finally showing exp​ressions and agression.
  3. In Topic: Symmetrical Vader Mask

    Posted 20 Jul 2005

    QUOTE (Trumble Trickly @ Jul 20 2005, 05:03 PM)
    I'm not attacking you. Also, I'm not picking lines, I'm taking the entire quoted portion of the review that represents the "fresh" rating on the first front page of the ROTS review on I'm just saying that rottentomatoes, while an interesting site, is used far too often.  Reviews cannot usually be broken down into a yes or no, good or bad type thing.

    I don't trust either.  I'm not saying that most people don't like it.  I'm simply saying that too much stock is put into things like imdb ratings and rottentomatoes.  8 out of 10 on imdb doesn't mean anything either.  All it means is that out of the people who voted in that poll the average rating was 8 out of 10.  So what?

    It's like arguing which band is better based on a fan vote or album sales.  You can't rank art or quantify it with numerical values.

    So most people liked it or didn't like it.  So what? Let's talk about what was good and what was bad. I have things I liked and disliked about ROTS but I can only back those things up with my opnion not some imaginary number that represents what other people thing of it.

    Fair enough, but plenty of bashers have used all this same stuff in the past to prove a point.".
  4. In Topic: Symmetrical Vader Mask

    Posted 20 Jul 2005

    C'mon. This is just a sampling of the positive reviews that add up to that 82%. I'm not a fan of 5 star scales either but that would be far more accurate than People put far too much stock in that site.

    Seriously, if were gonna start quoting negative lines out of positive reviews we need to also start quoting positive lines out of negative reviews too.

    If that's not good enough for you why not look at the vote at If these are not good enough, (Nearly 8 out of 10) what is? Out of almost 70,000 votes that's what EP3 gets. Only around 300 movies rank better out of 10s of thousands on the entire site. Of course, all that site is about, as with this one, is opinions whether they be good or bad, they are merely opinions, not facts. A fact is, most people who saw it liked it.

    There are some people out there who really don't care about winning people over, but rather simply want to make a point whether or not the person the are making the point to recieves it well or not I would say that these people are the type who would say the prequels are great and you suck because you hate em!'

    I see the same attitude also portrayed in here, but the other way around as well.
    Just the same "The prequels suck and you suck because you like them!'
    Then they start attacting a person's character and I.Q. because they like them.
  5. In Topic: Lucas quotes

    Posted 20 Jul 2005

    Flash Gordon anyone? That's what George would have made instead of SW had he got the chance in the 1970s

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