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nanaya's Profile User Rating: -----

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20-May 09
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User is offline May 27 2009 11:46 PM

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  1. In Topic: Games that might convince Yahtzee some genres are not all bad

    Posted 27 May 2009

    QUOTE (Thaluikhain @ May 21 2009, 03:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    So it's alright for people to point out the tired cliches of various genres, as long as they leave JRPGs along?

    QUOTE (David-kyo @ May 21 2009, 04:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    I'm afraid JRPG-s are, for the most part, indeed riddled with clichéd, uninteresting plotlines that pretend to be grandiose, stupid and weird (not in the good way) characters, no freedom whatsoever, boring grinding, etc. and I stand by my opinion even if it makes you a saaaaad panda.

    Yeah so both of you completely missed my point. Congrats, you took one snippet of a post and ignored the rest of it.

    I'm not saying most JRPGs are not cliche. I'm saying it's ridiculous to constantly bash JRPGs for being generally cliche and following the same patterns when EVERY OTHER GENRE does the same thing. So it all comes down to personal taste.
  2. In Topic: Games that might convince Yahtzee some genres are not all bad

    Posted 20 May 2009

    I don't see why anyone would want to try and convince him that a genre he doesn't like is good. The man just doesn't like the same things you like. Does it bother you that much? It shouldn't change the way you feel about the genre.

    I'm as weaboo as you could get but you don't see my whining about everything everyone says that is anti-anime. I love it, they don't. That doesn't make me dislike anyone who dislikes it and it definately does not make me want to change their minds. If they don't like then I want them to stay away.

    I honestly really don't want him to review Persona 3. If you ask me why I will be honest. It's my favorite game of all time. I can handle different opinions and negative reviews but what is the point? It is a game some people LOVE and some do not. Why review a game just to bash it when you know others love it? It makes no sense for him to review it and it makes no sense for any of us to want him to review it. Unless you hate the game and want him to make another review about how he dislikes JRPGs.

    Although, on the other side of things, I think a lot of you anti-JRPG people are ridiculous. Yahtzee included. You complain about them being cliche and overusing the same things over and over again. I say the same exact thing of other genres. I'm so sick of the "hardcore" shooter "Gears of Resistance: Halozone 2 -RETRIBUTION-" type of games. Racing games tend to do nothing original for the most part. Seriously, every genre is littered with titles that follow nothing but things set by games before it.

    JRPGs have some original titles, Persona 3 included. So the "cliche, all the same" argument is BS. Since it's just video games in general that are like that. If you make it wider (like some of you have) and say ANYTHING from Japan sucks then you are just being stupid and arrogant for the sake of being stupid and arrogant.

    All of this aside, Persona 3 isn't going to change ANYONE's mind if they already dislike Japanese things like JRPGs and anime. If I had to pick one for someone like Yahtzee to play, I would go earlier in the Shin Megami Tensei series.

    Yeah, I'm suggesting Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. Nocturne is such a beastly game. Hard as hell, too. That game definately shows how turn-based should be done.

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