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Star Wars Fan Convention (10 posts)
11-June 06
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User is offline Sep 25 2009 12:27 PM

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Looking for early sourcematerial on Star Wars pre-history (which has now falsely been featured as "the prequels"). With this in mind, googled for "Hate George Lucas".
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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: "Jedi" humiliated for not removing hood

    Posted 25 Sep 2009

    On the one hand you have to give it to them. What's this but a well deserved mockery of the hate laws set up in Britain by politically correct, spineless politicians in order to pander to the aggressive Muslim immigrant population?

    On the other hand, from a Star Wars lore perspective it's pretty silly. Who made the hood into an ordained piece of Jedi uniform anyway? As far as I can tell, the hood made its entry as part of Sir Alec Guinness Tatooine desert dwelling garb. Completely by accident. It was never intended to claim status as Jedi uniform!
  2. In Topic: who were the jedi fighting all those yrs?

    Posted 25 Sep 2009

    View Post latverian, on 23 August 2009 - 08:55 PM, said:

    Acording to the jedi in episode 1 the Sith have been extinct for over 1000 yrs. If this is so who had the jedi been fighting against for the past 1000 yrs? Death stick sellers? Purse snatchers?

    If this is so NONE of the jedi on the jedi council has NEVER enocuntered or fought against a sith lord or a dark side of the force weilder. This is ridicules. I guess all their saber fights were done with remotes for the past 1000 yrs.

    Did George Lucas put any thought at all into these prequel films as he was writing them? The entire plot and story of the three prequels are so pathetic. Anyone with some common sense can rip them apart piece byn piece about things that makes no sense.

    I think actual problem arises when the Jedis are defined as something juxtaposed to the "Sith Lords", a dualistic conception which was only brought about, as far as I can tell, in The Phantom Menace. Originally, in Episode IV, Darth Vader was simply the "Lord of Sith", which apparently was some kind of a feudal title or similar. It did not denote a special order of evil Jedis serving the dark side of the force.
    That being said, I agree that given the lack of enemies/conflicts (a function which among others the "Clone Wars", whatever that was originally intended to be, could have fulfilled) the notion of these Sith Lords not having been around for a 1000 years is idiotic. In its stupidity I find it on par with the idea that only two of them show up at any given time. Why would a whole order of Jedis be so terrified by the competion from two guys?
  3. In Topic: George Lucas is 1 hit wonder

    Posted 25 Sep 2009

    This is all so true. I'm too of the opinion it started going down in hill in Episode VI and for the exact same reasons you identify (Ewoks and Death Star II).
  4. In Topic: Where to get the true Originals

    Posted 20 Jun 2006

    QUOTE (Chefelf @ Jun 16 2006, 03:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Well, there are a number of places you can get the "original" versions, however, Lucas is releasing the actual originals this September so you're pretty well covered if you want to see the originals. smile.gif

    Thanks! I noticed the news in the other thread just after I wrote this. Grand! biggrin.gif
  5. In Topic: A star wars film written around a glorified NASCAR race

    Posted 13 Jun 2006

    QUOTE (jariten @ Jan 13 2006, 04:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    The whole thing was culled, shot for shot, from old WW2 archive footage.

    So what? Who cares? I say taking inspiration from WW2 archive footage was a creative move given the space opera setting.

    can you offer an objective critisicm of the podrace that can't also be leveled at that space battle? (they made a video game out of it too, so theres your first one gone wink.gif )

    Yes. The space battle in Episode IV was realistic given its technological limitations (no, I don't mean the special effects, they were great, I mean the entire idea that spacefaring nations would do battle using piloted fighters, but that's space opera for you). The pod race on the other hand went on in such an insane pace and over such an overwrought racetrack that it would have been humanely impossible for a grown man to survive it, let alone an abnoxious ten year old.
    It was unrealistic, impossible to believe in, special effects over substance, silly in its execution and characters, boring, and downright bad moviemaking.

    P.S: Beside the podrace, another basic condition leading to a PT that sucked (taken freely from the heap) was Lucas decision to make it the story of Anakin Skywalker, rather than the history of the late republic. Any sane depiction of the era would have Anakin enter in the second or perhaps rather the third installment, not making him a main character from chapter one, page one. I'm not interested in the wild times of an unbearable 10 year old brat with superhuman Jedipowers who can't act (not that he was given any meaningful direction while also having to cope with a worthless script, of course).
    The series should have had a longer timespan. Anakin Skywalker shouldn't even have been born yet in Episode One, neither should there have been a Senator Palpatine plotting all along to overthrow the republic. That's simpleminded.

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