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superrepus's Profile User Rating: -----

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Star Wars Fan Convention (22 posts)
25-June 04
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User is offline Jul 20 2005 07:41 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Padme looks pregnant during funeral, WTF?

    Posted 17 Jul 2005

    During the funeral procession for Padme, she still has the 'pregnant belly'. Any thoughts on this?? Is this necessary? Who else knew she was pregnant??
  2. 20,000 credits

    Posted 27 Jun 2005

    In TPM, Qui-gon tells Watto that he has 20,000 credits for a new hyperdrive or whatever when they arrive on Tattooine. Even Watto suggests that the price to repair the hyperdrive may outweigh the price of a new ship.

    Now, if memory serves me correctly, in the OT doesn't Ben secure transport with Han Solo for 17,000 credits to Alderaan from the same planet? I think he only had 7,000 up front even.

    My question is this, if Ben could pull this off all these years after the PT, why couldn't Qui-gon, or whoever else, pull it off years before the OT with 20,000 credits? I know there's more people to transport, but my God, is it absolutely important that everyone is transported at this time? Just take the Queen, Qui-gon, Ben, maybe a couple more?

  3. Can anyone please explain this BS??

    Posted 28 Sep 2004

    Can there possibly ever be an explaination to the green lightsaber Luke uses on the Falcon in ANH? I'll even accept a bad explaination. It was blue when Ben first gave it to Luke. It was also blue throughout ESB. Am I missing something?? I refuse to accept the explaination that it will be explained in Ep III.
  4. This is what I want to happen

    Posted 25 Jun 2004

    It is very obvious GL should no longer be in power. A more competent individual should be responsible for the Star Wars franchise. For most people, SW is a way of life not GL's idea anymore. Before TPM came out, I have been quoted as saying: "it would take a genius to fuck up Star Wars". GL is obviously this genius. EP1 could have been nothing but constant lightsaber duels and starship battle sequences along with excellent dialogue and your average SW fan would have loved it. How could anyone possibly fuck this up?? I think we all know the answer to that.

    I never thought Episode I could have been bad, much less, the piece of shit it turned out to be. Any SW fan knows what a SW movie should be. It should not be a child's movie or cartoon. Everything was wrong in TPM. SW has a different feel to it than any other movie ever made, or will be made. How did GL loose the vision of his own story so easily?

    Is it possible that the real EP1 could be made now by someone else? Could we force GL to step down and allow someone else to re-release the REAL EP1? I honestly believe a bunch of monkeys locked in a room with nothing but crayons and construction paper could come up with a better movie than TPM and AOTC. My hope is that some day this will happen (not the monkey thing). I cannot live with the fact that the biggest disappointment in my life has been EP1. It could have been better. It should have been better. Is it possible for someone, or some group, to step up and make a real EP1? I, for one, am all for it. This is what I want to happen.

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New Cop
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