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User is offline Feb 27 2008 04:21 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. The 12 Awesomest Games of 2010

    Posted 30 Jan 2008

    Basically the article shows the bestsellers of 2010 and gives a short description.

    ...So you take Wii Sports Boxing, add in the most detailed character creation system the hardware can handle (after all, wrestling games have been perfecting this for years). Let me create the exact replica of my old boss, or my neighbor who kicked my dog, whoever. Their voices, too, we'll have a huge range of sound clips and accents to pick from so they sound almost like the real life counterpart. And then, we beat the shit out of them.

    Besides being really funny, some of theese games would be pretty fun to play, like Hard Cell or Killchain. If any of you become professional game designers, make some of these games and I will love you.

  2. Commercials

    Posted 26 Jan 2008

    Gonna be a long one, so, for those who don't like to read, this is about commercials.

    You know that time when some commercials come on and you mind just goes blank because you've seen them all so many times they've been burned into your subconscious, and so they just become white noise? I tried something today. Every time the same old commercials came on, I pressed mute. And without the drone of yet another car insurance ad echoing into my empty brain, I discovered that all of a sudden my mind became much more efficient. I no longer took five minutes thinking about the answer to five times three squared. I could calculate quick comebacks in any argument, something that had formerly been lost to me. And, what's more, I can type more than a few sentences at a time! (As evidenced by this very topic.)

    So, it seems that without the noise of commercials, I can think and speak much clearer than before. And, harnessing this newfound power of thought, I began thinking about all of the commercials I knew by heart, and how else they had spurned me.

    First of all, it seems that the corporations or whatever you like to call them think of us all as stupid zombies. I give you an example of a Pizza Hut ad that has been playing since the dawn of time:

    Announcer Guy: With prices so low, you could experience-
    Random Guy Holding Pizza: Un-hunger
    Random Guy's Friends (moaning): UN-HUNGER..

    So apparently the word "full" is beyond our simple vocabulary. Okay, that has happened to me on occasion. But these people also seem to think we can't keep track of time. Take the Enzyte commercial that's been playing lately. When these commercials first came out, I thought the Smilin' Bob bit was hilarious. But lately they've been playing the same damn Christmas commercial since November. It's almost February; even the most persistant souls have taken down their Christmas lights by now, and yet Mr.Bob can't seem to take off the Santa suit. Can't they just put up a new ad, or re-use some old ones?

    Then there's the annoying habit of recording the commercial way too loud, presumably to wake the viewer up from their ad trance. Picture this: It's midnight, I have the TV turned down low so it won;t wake anyone up. I've just finished listening to Ron White describe his dog Sluggo, and the show cuts to commercial. All of a sudden, blaring out of the speakers, an speaker yells, "HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO SAVE $300 ON CAR INSURANCE?!!" I turn the volume way down to keep people from pounding on the wall, but when the program resumes, which was recorded for normal people, not the partially deaf, I can't hear a thing. So I turn it back up, get absorbed in the show, and the same thing happens again.

    Then there's just some commercials that make you want to kill the writers. Here's some examples: the "Lost another loan to Ditech" guy, the Scooby-Doo DirecTV commercial, those stupid Alltel Wireless commercials (particularly the Christmas ones), that annoying HSN commercial with the most annoying song ever playing throughout, and all the pizza commercials (these are the ones showing the stupid people with stupid lines).

    But not to say there aren't any cool commercials. I particularly like the Geico ones, there don't seem to be any that convey the tipical "BUY THIS NOW! NOW!!" attitude, they're pretty cleverly written. As are most beer commercials. But aside from the fact that advertisements pay for everything, the world may as well be better off, and smarter without them.

    Would have put this on a blog, but I don't have one. So, um... talk about commercials here.

    Now I'm gonna watch TV.

    Shit, lost the remote.

    **THIS TOPIC BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE GENERAL CAR INSURANCE COMPANY, "For the best car insurance rates in town call 1-800-GENERAL NOW!!!" ***
  3. Bad Machine

    Posted 22 Jan 2008

    Anyone ever played this? I found it a few days ago and I really like it.

    It's called Bad Machine. It's about a robot in a factory who, through a malfunction, obtains sentience. There's a bunch of endings to the game, and it's kind of difficult to understand at first.

    Oh, and you'll need this interpreter to play it.
  4. Stargate and such

    Posted 9 Jan 2008

    So I was looking around this board and saw there was no topic for the Stargate show or shows. Stargate being the only really nerdy show I'm a fan of, I was surprised not to see it here. So, here's the talking about it part.

    As I said before, Started watching it last year and I like it. I like it because it's different from a lot of those other "spacey" shows, if I may use the term. More of an emphasis on philosophy and other societies than the whole space opera thing.

    So... anybody else have an opinion?
  5. WHAT??

    Posted 30 Nov 2007

    Ten dollars for a burger and fries??? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?

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Mini Boss
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