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User is offline Jun 13 2006 12:06 PM

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  1. In Topic: 82 Reasons to Hate Star Wars: Episdoe III

    Posted 27 May 2005

    did anybody pay attention to the dialouge in this damn scene?

    Palps: "You have done well Lord go to Mustafar and finish off the Seperatists"

    Vader: Yes Master"

    If you pay even closer attention to the dialogue it is:

    Emperor: Exposition exposition based on what you've just done. Exposition exposition of what you have become. Exposition exposition of what you're going to do next.

    Vaderkins: Yes, Master. I will fulfill your exposition with haste.

    Emperor: So be it.

  2. In Topic: Mace Windu

    Posted 26 May 2005

    According to the novel, an EU source, Mace didn't use the dark side or his anger, he was, in a sense, simply reflecting all of SuperPalpy's dark energy during the fight. The more energy SuperPalpy exerted, the more power that was used back on him and Mace wasn't feeling the flow of the dark-side, but instead deflecting and focusing it back at its source.

  3. In Topic: Hypocritical Obi-Wan

    Posted 26 May 2005

    This is the drawback of every worldview that refuses to deal in absolutes. Clearly absolutes exist, to say they don't is not only contradictory, but a paradox and a logical fallacy.

    Of course, Lucas isn't a great thinker. He's a good idea man. His execution is flawed, to say the least, but he can deal easily enough in the realm of vague concepts. Thus, his films can be at a minimum decent. I can accept a logical/mathematical error in a film so long as it entertains, which, 70% of the time, Ep III does for me.

    It's similar to the way that Back to the Future, which is among my favorite strictly sci-fi films, has massive temporal and physics problems at the core of its plot, yet I can overlook them because it is so well put together otherwise.

  4. In Topic: Mill. Falcon in ROTS

    Posted 24 May 2005

    Wow, BK, how does anybody follow that? I agree 100% that Fett was overhyped. He was "the greatest bounty hunter" according to one source - "The Star Wars Holiday Special," so I guess Lucas is more in tune with the CBS Nightmare than we all originally have suspected.

    And yes, I saw the YT or the MF, whichever it may have been, in the bottom right of the screen as the transport ship delivered SuperPalpy and O.B. and little orphan Annie to the senate.

  5. In Topic: Baron Papanoida...

    Posted 23 May 2005

    QUOTE (Failureboy2 @ May 23 2005, 01:16 AM)
    That chubby blue girl to Palpatines right is George's daughter.  I even think she's listed on

    She's a fatass. I would have thought that for all of his money ole George would have the cash to make her at least look presentable.


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