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OhNo_Stereo's Profile User Rating: -----

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53 (0.01 per day)
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Movie Theater (16 posts)
07-August 07
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User is offline Feb 13 2008 05:46 PM

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reasons to hate the pre-trilogy
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Topics I've Started

  1. Family Guy Star Wars

    Posted 24 Sep 2007

    are you guys in the we hate family guy camp?

    anyway I enjoyed the hell out of it, in my opinion way better than the robot chicken star wars episode (not that it wasn't pretty good in it's own way). presented better, no time wasted on jokes they'd already done on star wars, more focused. and something that I'd've figured would have gone over well with the chefelf community: almost strictly un modified OT references. down to the explosions. man it was nice seeing the death star explode without the praxis rings.

    anybody else got any reactions?
  2. guts on the outside

    Posted 21 Sep 2007

    so obviously one of big reasons we love star wars is the ships. those trashed work horses, covered in hoses, pipes and gratutitous greebles. list your favorite guts on the outside ships (outside of star wars.) the more obscure the better

    valley forge - silent running
    http://upload. wikime...lentRunning.jpg

    nostromo - alien
    http://upload. wikime...mo_in_Alien.jpg

    discovery - 2001
    http://www.infoshop. ...scovery-pod.jpg

    red dwarf - red dwarf
    http://www.jupitermi. ..dDwarf_ship.jpg
  3. can anyone help me identify a sci-fi movie

    Posted 22 Aug 2007

    ok so once I was sitting around in a hotel room with my pops when I was maybe 5 or 6, it was sometime in the late eighties or early ninties and this movie came on the tv. it made a pretty strong impression on me at the time, but all I have of it are some vague cloudy images.

    so it opens with a guy coming out of cryo-freeze, I think, in his space ship, I think he had a towl on his neck, and then he opens this chamber on the floor, from which he wakes his android girl friend. the ship and everything is kind of junky blade-runner, alien, era of design.

    so then they seemed to crash or land on a dry planet where some crazy pirate types approach on a huge...moving structure, just a lot of pipes or something on wheels or treads, some twenty thirty feet tall. they're all jumping around and yelling, and I think arguing with or picking a fight with the guy from the ship. so they shoot it out, and after the fight he comes over to his android girlfriend who's lying in the dirt, and her face is melting away revealing all her mechanical wirey parts. I think he crouched down to look at her fairly non chalant, and his reaction seemed to be pretty mild; all, 'tsk dang...oh well.'

    anyway the only other things I remember is that later he picks up a side kick, maybe a younger dark haired girl, and at some point they end up in some kind of dark two level watery chamber where huge white flabby evil-michelan man monsters are all tryina get them. I think at some point they slide down a pole, and when they escape the chamber it's sort of ... the outside reminds me of the almost pyramid like early sandcrawler if anybody has a star wars to indiana jones. this part might be from another movie..

    so... if this rings any bells at all, I'd love to hear about it.

    EDIT: added some detail
  4. tell me I can't hook my cellphone up to a rotary phone

    Posted 20 Aug 2007

    I'm not very tech savvy, but I'm hoping someone is willing to help me here:

    is there such a thing as a device for hooking your mobile phone up to any old regular 'old fashioned' land line phone set so you can pretend you have a regular old land line when you're at home? is there just no demand/plausibility for this device?

    I have particularly little hope because my dream is to hook my mobile phone up to a rotary phone. tell me I can put this fantasy to sleep. or alternatly: dazzle me the inane possibilities of our modern science fiction wonder land!


My Information

Member Title:
38 years old
September 11, 1986
delaware, the last state I'd ever recommend to decent people
star wars, steak dinners, cheese burgers, scotch with water, cigarette glamour, nabokov, cassette tapes, VHS, broadcast television aandd getting out of this god aweful state. don't go to delaware, it's worthlesss, unless you go to like authentic mexican restaurants, ie everyone else in the joint is latin, but barring a trip in for outstanding carnitas dishes, I recommend just standing on the border and throwing rocks at people you suspect might be delawarians.

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