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Your Wandering Samurai's Profile User Rating: -----

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30-April 05
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User is offline May 15 2005 07:50 AM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Welcome, Wandering Samurai

    Posted 1 May 2005

    Well, I suppose the first thing to say is Hello to the other forum users. And say thank you to my good friend J m HofMarN for bothering to start the topic thats apparently about me.

    I was going to hold off on making this thread until my comic project is further along. I'm going on a roadtrip this coming week to go meet with the other party involved on the project. Together, her and I make up Sixteen Daggers studios (henceforth 16D) and we've got a hell of a comic for you guys when it actually gets a little further along into development.

    I'd share details with you; and I definately will in the next post I make. But right now I'm just going to post some general information regarding the 16D comic.

    I've wanted to make a webcomic since I first started using the internet and found my first couple of webcomics online. That was years upon years ago. The unfortunate thing here is that; having tried to develop an ability to draw over all that time I've never managed to get much better. A good friend of mine, who I've recently got back in touch with can draw very, very well. So shes onboard with me now and we're working hard to get this out there.

    So what of the comic itself? It was suggested to me "Write about what you know." which is simple enough. So I've decided to make a webcomic about trying to make a webcomic; and the lives of myself and Jess (my artist) in general. Its actually pretty neat stuff considering I work at a horribly disfunctional petstore and she has to put up with drunken rednecks all day.

    I'm very proud of what we have thus far. I plan to get things up and actually online around May 5th (my birthday, oddly enough).

    So, yeah. Check back when you get around to it and see if I've got any serious work done. I'm afraid this thread is going to be pretty dull until I do.

    Oh, and....uh. I'm not sure EXACTLY what J m HofMarN was talking about but, er, I'd really like to keep my wang in place if at all possible.

    Thanks for your time.

    ~Your Wandering Samurai

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New Cop
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