I liked the movie, sure. The songs were pretty, and so was the production and the cast. But by the end, I was left with the impression that it was a cross between a musical and one of those multiple layers of meaning stoner films that everyone seems to love (like The Big Lebowski), not because of any low-brow humor but because the movie was one big drug reference. I interrupt this thought because I just looked up the Oscars and realized that they were just today. Holy crap. I'm surprised Across the Universe didn't win any, because the songs tied in perfectly with the situations, and the singing was excellent.
So maybe it won't be remembered as a timeless classic, but due to this movie Paul McCartney's ego is that much bigger, and that we can be thankful for.
EDIT: Ah, bugger. Wrong forum. A little help here?
This post has been edited by Ninja Duck: 25 February 2008 - 02:51 AM