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User is offline Nov 06 2006 03:48 AM

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  1. In Topic: Bob Dylan Can Go To Hell

    Posted 6 Nov 2006

    I ran into this page searching for more information about the life of the greatest artist alive today, Bob Dylan. Apparently Mr. Elf decided to devote his time to belittling a man who has devoted his life to influencing souls to get their lives on the right track. Bob Dylan is a messenger from God. I know what you're thinking. Bob Dylan is old, he plays plain guitar, he's boring, he thinks he's special. Well, he is special. When has he ever told anybody that they are "an asshole, a self-important, egotistical, holier than thou asshole."? He knows better than to judge people. I think you're baffled as to why this old, "stale" man has so much love and respect from so many people, and as a result of your jealousy, you took it upon yourself to discredit his monstrous achievements. Let me hear a song you wrote. Go on, record it. Let me hear it. Oh, you're not a songwriter? Why not? You can do anything you want to do. That's the deal. You have to put up with all the bullshit that comes along with life, but you can be ANYTHING. Soooo, Bob Dylan decided to use his precious time creating enlightening art for the world to live by, the greatest thing on earth besides love, and you decide to use your precious time hatefully, elaborately bad mouthing a man that has tried his hardest all his life to be as great as he can possibly be.

    I suppose you could argue that I'm wasting my time badmouthing somebody, but I don't think so. It's not wasted time. I'll tell you why.

    Go buy yourself a copy of Dylan Live '67. Then go buy yourself an 1/8th of an ounce of psilocybin mushrooms. Eat them. Whenever you start to feel uneasy, listen to this record. Then if you still think Dylan is an overrated egotistical asshole, come back here and report the new insight you have gained (HA!). Really. Do it. Just ask some long-haired red-eyed guy with a Grateful Dead shirt if he knows where to get mushrooms. He'll help you out. There's no reason to be afraid of eating them. They won't kill you. They can't. Just eat an eighth of some meaningless blue white and gold mushrooms and listen to this Dylan Live '67 album. After that, you can finally come back with proof and tell me how wrong I am. I'm not joking, I'm not talking trash. I recommend this to EVERYONE. If you can't find this album, look for the purple Jimi Hendrix Experience box sex. If you can't find these records, the Grateful Dead will do. If you can't find the mushrooms, LSD will take you to a similar place. Are you confused why in defense I suggested taking psychedelics and listening to artists other than Dylan? They are all from the same place. They have the same purpose, they are delivering the same message, only through different souls.

    So do you have any reason why you can't do this? You don't. There is no excuse. When you die, your pineal gland in the center of your brain (some call it the third eye) releases the most intense psychedelic drug on earth, DMT. It's a tryptamine like psilcybin mushrooms and LSD. Your spirit leaves your body while you're on this drug and enters a timeless, purely spiritual existence (You can enter heaven or hell). So why not experiment with a softer drug like mushrooms for a few hours to prepare yourself for eternity? God put these magical things on earth for a reason. And Bob Dylan was put on this earth for a reason. And you and I were put on this earth for a reason. It's very important that we learn why before we die and lose our chance to set things right.

    Save your comments until you take my advice.

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