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ekm's Profile User Rating: -----

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Movie Theater (13 posts)
24-January 05
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User is offline Jul 07 2005 11:16 AM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Batman Begins Review

    Posted 25 Jun 2005

    QUOTE (Jane Sherwood @ Jun 18 2005, 01:30 AM)
    I could hug you for that review.

    I like hugs.
  2. In Topic: Batman Begins Review

    Posted 17 Jun 2005

    QUOTE (Supes @ Jun 17 2005, 01:24 AM)
    Saw it last night and I pretty much agree with this review. The stuff that wasn't quite right still did not result in the film becoming a flop, and the stuff that was right was oh so right.

    Exactly. But the stuff that was so right made the stuff that wasn't stand out all the more.
  3. In Topic: The Hater Weighs in On ROTS

    Posted 16 Jun 2005

    QUOTE (julie123 @ Jun 16 2005, 01:55 PM)
    Nah not really.  Indifference to ROTS is nothing to be tolereated.  If you took the words Star Wars of ROTS, I'm sure this mediocre film would have engendered much more critism than it already has.  If the most and best that you can say about ROTS is that it is better than the two previous films, then ROTS really is in trouble.  Equally, to say it comes near, but not even close, to the original OT, again just damns the film.

    Like I said in the review: Sith isn't the OT, and can't hope to be. Nevertheless, it is the closest we have to the OT. It entertains, and incorporates elements of Lucas' original vision, which the other two did not.

    Remember--there' s no way the prequels can ever be the classic trilogy, or even part of the same universe. Sith at least taps into it, and succeeds on that level if on no other.
  4. In Topic: The Hater Weighs in On ROTS

    Posted 16 Jun 2005

    Sorry my assessment was disputed, but hey--I had fun. And with Star Wars, isn't that what really matters?
  5. In Topic: SW: RotS Script

    Posted 26 Apr 2005

    QUOTE (CowboyCurtis @ Apr 9 2005, 10:05 PM)
    I was hoping EKM  would post this here... but here is another  "script" (or rather excerpts as it's generally too large).

    Have we met before, Mr Curtis...?

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