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revoltoncube's Profile User Rating: -----

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128 (0.02 per day)
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The Lobby (General Chat) (70 posts)
06-December 04
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User is offline Jun 02 2006 05:26 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. What does it mean to be a man?

    Posted 28 Jan 2005

    hey anyone intrigued enough to read this,

    yeah, so i need sonme help with some research I'm doing for my job.
    I need to find some descriptions of "What does it mean to be a man?"
    its for young kids (10-14), because we've found that if a celebrity isn't 'buff' or 'hard' then this age group will come up with the same phrase for them everytime, gay/queer. This leads us to believe that they need a 'manly' role model, so what DOES it mean to be manly?

    so I would like to hear what you've got to say about this away.
  2. The Legend of Zelda (new)

    Posted 22 Dec 2004

    yeah, I had a dream last night...

    I was walking through a forest at dusk with my bow in hand, and I saw a faint light in the distance...
    I walked through the misty forest trying to get to the light, it was VERY far away but I started seeing movement... the light was moving...
    When I finally got there the light span round a tree and stayed there...
    I moved closer and peeped round the corner... sitting on a little branch not far above my head was a small fairy, It sang in a soft voice and I suddenly realised that I was Link, and it was Navi, a long lost friend!
    I awoke after that and couldn't stop thinking about TLOZ! so please would you drop some news in here, everything you know about it and you make a ninty fanboy happy... smile.gif

My Information

Member Title:
Mini Boss
39 years old
June 4, 1985
a little to the left
Kickboxing, Volleyball, Football(European), Singing, Writing Songs, Music, Drama, The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Resident Evil, (Nintendo Games- that includes Mario)...and loads of other stuff

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