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User is offline May 25 2005 07:44 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Revelations Fan Film

    Posted 23 May 2005

    Any of you see this?

    I did a search for 'revelations fan film' before posting this and found nothing. Figured I wouldnt be the first to post it though? odd.


    ~40min. Star Wars fan film that came out about a month ago.
    Free to download 'cuz they can't make any $ offa' it of lucas would sue 'em.

    Maybe Chefelf will take a crack at this one as well?
  2. Reply to Bileyface's 19 reasons...

    Posted 13 May 2005

    My response to Bileyface’s points about Epi. III....

    http:// obscureno.tug.../starwasnt. html

    Don't know if someone else posted about this but I didn't see it so I am now. A Mod can join it to an old thread if there is one if they feel the need to do that....

    Overall I find this list pretty weak ‘cuz it sure looks like a rip-off of what Chefelf has done but in this case it’s almost devoid of real insight ‘cuz he hasn’t even seen the film.

    He does make some passable points though based on the obvious probability that Epi. III for however good it might be will probably suck about as bad as the first two.

    So I give him a weak ‘nice try dude’ for the one page of effort.

    Just for the hell of it I’ll go though his points though....

    1. Over-use of anything related to characters that first appeared in (the first trilogy -paraphrased)...

    -He doesn’t know if this’ll actually be the case in III and it’s a weaker version of Chefelf’s own specific point in his own ‘Reasons’ list.
    Like stating that the child Greedo-looking kid was actually Greedo himself.

    -I see in the Art of Epi.III book that lucas intended to have a young Han Solo jammed somewhere in the film but was taken out.

    -That would have been a specifc point for this dude to make about Epi.III -if he’d been in it.

    2. Special Effects: using computational power to supplant the need for creativity-

    -Almost for sure it’s true, but technically nothing specific at all to Epi. III is noted. Again... the list should have been about Epi. I and II but then Chefelf already made a much better list including these points.

    3. That scene where they use the force to do something because it looks cool, even though it makes no sense and is completely inconsistent with its portrayal in all the other movies.

    -Maybe. Wouldn’t shock me but he doesn’t know.

    4. As #3, but applied to that one robot.

    5. As #4, but for that other alien species.


    6. That other extended scene that looks just like it came from a video game, so the game programmers didn't have to think too hard about how to convert part of the movie into a completely forgettable quick buck tie-in, because toy sales aren't as lucrative as they used to be but people will buy console games that provide only about 20 minutes of distraction.

    -That one’s right. From reading the book there are pointless ground and space battles and needless chases. Nothing original save new CG effects to hit you over the head.

    7. The two or three exciting scenes that have become dull because we've already seen the gist of them in previews and in KFC/Pizza Hut/Taco Bell syndicate outposts for the past half-year.

    -Don’t recall any but I don’t eat that crap or look at the ads/commercials. And I suggest others do the same. America’s too fat.
    -A Jedi wouldn’t eat crap like that would they? Remember that you should.

    8. The highly-advertised "some character we've seen before dies!" scene, as seen in 'Next Time' previews for failing television programs for years.

    -I don’t get that one?

    9. Blatant disregard for the aging process in favor of including characters from the original 3 movies (like #1, but more focused on the characters themselves showing up despite the flow of time).

    -I think he REALLY tried to jam in as many action figures, I mean characters as he could from the old trilogy into the new one but I don’t recall their ages being screwed up to do it and he certainly ddin’t back up that point with anything.

    10. Any example of apparent thought being spent on how old characters would be at the time of this movie, when juxtaposed with the character requiring complete and total amnesia to explain their actions and interactions in the original 3 movies.


    11. Those times when they take interesting or mysterious parts of the original 3 movies and give them a cheap, pat and completely unsatisfying explanation.

    -Now he’s just going off on tangents without any structure or point. And only after about 10 lousy points.
    -Shows how well thought out Chefelf’s list really is.

    12. How they don't tie everything up very well at all, even though it is supposed to be the final juncture between the 'prequels' and the original 3 movies.

    -Having read the book I think he’s wrong. It’s nothing special IMO, but I think lucas does connect the dots to the original trilogy on all the main points.

    -That and showing Vader was really the only thing people demanded to see from this whole trilogy and he did at least that.

    13. The state of self-hypnosis indulged in by 'die-hard' Star Wars aficionados determined to enjoy themselves at any cost; similar to the rationalization that causes gamblers to believe that they're enjoying the constant loss of money that their vice invariably causes.

    -This isn’t even a point about what might be in Epi. III. He’s really smokin’ sumthin’ now.

    14. The dizzy, burning feeling you get in the back of your throat when you consider the resources that went into the creation of this completely forgettable movie, as compared to any number of other completely forgettable movies that do just as mediocre a job but never have the hopes of leveraging monies equal to the GNP of Uruguay because their creators didn't do something cool when they were young.

    -Again.... pointless in relation to even guessing what will happen in Epi. III. This is just a comment on all three films being a waste of money. True but there is some cool art in the films. Many better ideas in the Art of Star Wars books though IMO. Even lucas’s choices about which art to use that he didn’t think up at all was lousy most of the time.
    -And that goes back to the original trilogy too but I think lucas didn’t have the IRON FIST that he has now when he was working with artist on Epi. IV -which established most of the art of all the original films.

    15. The fact that people have nothing better to do than go see said mediocre films, and (while I'm at it), let's throw the last 3+ seasons of The Simpsons in to this one, too.

    Again... not anything specific to Epi. III and he’s also wrong about the Simpsons. They’ve been utter garbarge/shell of their former self far longer than 3 seasons.
    He did put the ‘+’ to give him the out but I don’t except it.

    The Simpsons went into the gutter (jumped the shark as they say) when Marge was kidnapped by bikers and Homer fought a duel with the lead biker (John Goodman) holding up whole motorcycles and weilding them like swords or clubs.

    It was WAY out of character / breaking the rules even for a cartoon that gets ‘unreal’ since it started. So.... whatever ‘season’ that was. They’ve been horrible ever since.

    And cancelling the far-better-than-the-Simpsons Futurama was a related tragedy too as long as we’re on the Simpsons.

    16. The upsurge of support that Episode III receives in the media and from various 'independent street-credit possessing' shill features before its theatrical release...

    This guy’s not talking about anything that happens in the film at all. The film is BIG movie news crappy film or not. I’ve got no idea what ‘various 'independent street-credit possessing' shill features’ means??

    17. Followed by the instant bandwagoning of mockery from the same organizations that told you to go see it the day before.

    -So he’s saying that the people who say it’s awesome and promote it will just say it’s bad the next day?

    -It’s at least saying it’s bad not something to put down ‘cuz he himself is saying it’s bad.

    18. The hours of television that could be filled with 'Who's the Boss?' reruns that is instead dedicated to interviews, discussion and 'Making Of...' features about Episode III.

    -A weak joke and far too late in the list to save it. And ironic that it’s much like criticism about passable events in Epi. III that can’t make up for the horror that was Epi. I, II, and anything in III where a CG muppet does something or a human actor speaks.

    19. Four Words: Coming soon--Episode 7

    -Doubt it but that’s certainly not a reason why Epi. III will suck.

    Lame list.

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