I watched the video with him. Agreed, Islam is a facist system of control. I pointed out that his faith is also in the business of conversion and mind control and..... he disagreed.
On the same site I found this link
http://www.stage6.co...lusion-(part-1)This video, by the acclaimed Richard Dawkins, points out that ALL Instituionalize faith is corrupt.
Jordan decided to play Xbox rather than watch that link with me. He claims he'll do it another time. I understand that a really good documentary can often challenge ones opinions on anything; moving pictures with loads of commentary makes for a good sell. Not to mention...a musical score!
But any how, what are we suppose to summarize from the video? That muslims in America are bidding their time, waiting for strength in numbers to arrive, and then ultimately subdue us under shia law?
Ya, it's not far fetched, Christians are trying to subdue us under their law too.
Can't an atheist get a break? The answer is no.
Sorry if i don't feel up to watching 4 hours worth of documentary back to back whlie sitting in a computer chair. I like how you try make it out that i'm afraid of being 'challenged'.
Point of that link was to show that Islam is beyond a religion, it's a system of government. You can't challenge it and it's considered a sin for a large muslim population to not subdue the country and open up a shia system of government.
You have to speak arabic while praying and reading the bible, you have to dress a certain way, and you can't openly attack the koran, basically it's a facist run state.
Moderate Muslims are only moderate insomuch that they can't actually take control. The really nice onces you meet here are probably just as guilty of not being fanatics as we are guilty of rejecting allah.
People tend to view Islam through the scope of Chrisitianity, Judaism, and buddhism etc.. Yet it's not the same.
Oh SMEG. What the smeggity smegs has smeggins done? He smeggin killed me. - Lister of Smeg, space bum