Can people stop calling me an idealist now. Suddenly I'm some kind of naive, deluded Dennis Kucinich character just because I said I'm not comfortable with racism.
Well hang on AdamM, earlier you invited folks to "mock me all you want for being idealistic." What's it gonna be?
Most of us would like a world where there was less racism. Most of us are not comfortable with racism. We worked pretty hard, some of us, over the last few decades to stop white folks from using the word "nigger" so much, and while we wer at it, we tried to tone down our heterosexual mockery and constitutional discrimination of gay people.
Your idealized future society would be one where anyone could say "nigger" all he wanted, just to show how we'd gotten rid of racism. Or something. Sorry, but the word is charged with racism. It is even racist when black people use it. I am not going to try to argue that because they can use it then we should declare that it is not racist for me to use it. I am not that stupid.
The word is racist. Anyone using it is referencing a terrible very recent and in some places current period of civil disharmony in the United States. If we had a sopciety withou8t that disharmony or that history of it, then the word would probably not exist. That might be your idealized world, but there's zero reason to discuss la-la lands that have nothing in common with the real world. So, meanwhile, black people can say "nigger" if they want, and we white folks cannot. That's because the word references racism, and so therefore, because of that, as a result you see, white folks can't use it to describe people.
Back to yahtzee, he said in
that review that "your high-speed webslinging [has to] stay in and mop up the floors while the combat goes out to beat up faggots." I am still tryign to make sense of this in reference to homophobia or even humour. I just don't get it. Is he saying that the combat is macho, or that it owns the other aspect? We know he likes the webslinging, so apparently making it stay in and miss out on the fagbashing is undesirable, but ... ? I'm still confused. Nevertheless I'm sure he meant a joke in there, and not one especially at the expense of the gay community. Extreme references to fagbashing are commonly used ironically and shouldn't alarm anyone. This is in the manner of "blonde walks into bar," etc.
None of thise has much to do with trying to assign a specific and politically neutral definition to every single word in every langauge on Earth, to be used by all peoples equally, but the only way for me to consider that idea I have to continue mocking AdamM. Despite the initial invitation, now he's asking that we stop doing doing that. I especially don't intend to continue, lest he carry on with self-aggrandizing claims such as comparing himself with Dennis Kucinich. If Kucinich is here, can Gandhi be far behind?
"I had a lot of different ideas. At one point, Luke, Leia and Ben were all going to be little people, and we did screen tests to see if we could do that." -George Lucas, in STAR WARS: the Annotated Screenplays (p197).