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Sieve Boy's Profile User Rating: -----

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51 (0.01 per day)
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Star Wars Fan Convention (23 posts)
21-June 06
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User is offline Jun 26 2012 04:50 PM

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Google search on Star Wars related content lead me to a link for this site.
United States
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Topics I've Started

  1. Can we get a larger avatar size???

    Posted 3 Aug 2006

    Hey Chefelf and everyone else, is it possible that we can increase the maximum avatar size to say 100x100, 120x120, or even 150x150? I am the administrator of several major internet sites/forums and I know that the main concern among most forum leaders is that increasing avatar size could possibly slow page download times. That being said (and this is not a slam to this site) I don't think there is a great enough membership or large amount of traffic this site recieves to not warrant an increase to the maximum size of avatars that are allowed. I'd just like for the site/forum leadership to comment on this and give their views so we can all discuss this further smile.gif
  2. MOVIE - America: From Freedom to Fascism

    Posted 29 Jul 2006

    Hey everyone, if you happen to live in the area of Chicago, New York, Tampa Bay, Kansas City, or Austin, TX I HIGHLY recommend that you go and see the movie America: From Freedom to Fascism over this weekend

    It is a documentary that explores the connection between income tax collection and the erosion of civil liberties in America, it goes into great detail about the IRS and how they have been raping the American public since 1913. It is not a politically charged documentary like Micheal Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 or anything of this nature. It will show you the truth behind the Federal Reserve, unnecessary over-taxation of the American worker, among many other truths that our government has kept under lock and key to manipulate us for nearly a century.

    I cannot stress how important it is for anyone who can to see this movie, it will defiantly open your eyes to the financial corruption that has been lead by our government to oppress upon all of us as American citizens

    Wiki Link: http://en.wikipedia. ...edom_to_Fascism
  3. ROTJ is sooo fake...

    Posted 19 Jul 2006

    Check this...

    Someone posted this on another forum I frequent as a means of ripping on someone (for whatever reason). I found it very humorous myself, how overly fake the guy with the gun is and how, if you look close enough, you can see the rope holding Boba Fett. Mind you I'm not actually ripping on the movie, acting, or the 80's technology used to make it. I merely found this clip amusing biggrin.gif
  4. Howard Stern

    Posted 4 Jul 2006

    Hey all, I just wanted to pose the question if anyone here is/has been a fan of Howard Stern? I've been a fan for a long time myself, moreso since he has gone over to Sirius. His content, although typically more explicit, is far better than it was on terrestrial radio and he has an entire can & crew now on his two Sirius channels that make for endless entertainment.

    Fan or not, tell us what you think cool.gif

My Information

Member Title:
42 years old
May 17, 1982
Granite City USA
Hockey, Subaru

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