Night Life: Lenoarrofisse - Viewing Profile

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Lenoarrofisse's Profile User Rating: -----

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Television Talk (1 posts)
28-January 11
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User is offline May 13 2011 08:34 PM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Prison Break

    Posted 7 Apr 2011

    is anyone else watching prison break the second season?

    it is insanely intense
  2. In Topic: A cast of (minor) Characters.

    Posted 7 Apr 2011

    Let me start off by saying that I was an avid Cho Chang-supporter post Order of the Phoenix. No, I did not want Harry and Cho to be romantically involved, but I felt that Harry wouldnt want to be on such bad terms with Cho afterwards. Most of fandom really hated Cho and loved that she used up her usefulness and wouldnt be mentioned again in the series. Well, after 2 years of debating the character of Cho Chang and telling people that JK left too many small subtle hints behind her character to just throw her away, it seems that JK did just that.

    To me, although I loved HBP, I cant say that I wasnt disappointed in the fact that JK seemed to make clear that Cho Chang used her purpose in the series and has gone back to just being a part of the regular non-important Hogwarts population.

    So I was wondering if any of you have invested into a minor character so much that you really believed in them and took part in many character debates just to have them not be as significant in the future as you thought they would have? And if you have, do you feel like you wasted your time giving those characters such consideration or you still harbor some hope that they will have something in store for them in the 7th one?
  3. In Topic: Chefelf Court

    Posted 6 Apr 2011

    Claes ottelid har spelat in en platta med svensk folkmusik där han spelar lite flamenco-inspirerat som är fin tycker jag. Jag tror att gitarr och luta hade med ett av hans arr i ett nummer för ett par år sedan. Kanske kan man kontakta honom och fråga om hans arr är tillgängliga? Jag har själv varit sugen på det. Han undervisar för övrigt på musikhögskolan nere i malmö.

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New Cop
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