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Spann's Profile User Rating: -----

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User is offline Jun 21 2021 12:47 PM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Michael Jackson

    Posted 29 Jun 2009

    Buuuuuurn, Tom Jones...
  2. In Topic: ZP - Duke Nukem Forever

    Posted 13 Jun 2009

    You make a good point.
  3. In Topic: ZP - Duke Nukem Forever

    Posted 13 Jun 2009

    ScummVM only runs on games built for ScummVM though - It's not a DOSbox replacement per say.

    Although considering you can run Monkkey Island 1, 2 and 3, Manic Mansion and Broken Sword 1 and 2 on it, you don't really need anything else.
  4. In Topic: ZP - Infamous

    Posted 12 Jun 2009

    That's correct, you live ine London, yet still spell rather incorrectly, "meter" divulge, what is a "meter" is it a distant yet retarded cousin of metre? who lives like a tramp in a swamp in the west country? Also known as Wales

    If we're being picky, the grammar and construction of that sentence is fucking awful.

    The problem with a morality system is thus: It's a cheap way of getting extra play time out of a game. They'd rather say "You can play this game any way you like!" (which means "you can play it twice") than "We couldn't be fucked making one decent, coherent story, so we decided to make a branching one with two story arcs, neither of which are particularly different or exciting, but you won't notice because you'll be blinded by ALL THE MORALITY. Hopefully."
  5. In Topic: Trilby Notes Score

    Posted 11 Jun 2009

    QUOTE (Gobbler @ Jun 11 2009, 10:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Try sending Mr. m0ds a message, I don't think he would mind.

    Mr Croshaw might, but seeing as he either never comes here or lurks under a different name here and never says anything, I can't see you getting in too much trouble.

My Information

Member Title:
37 years old
July 19, 1987
United Kingdom

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