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Bush gassed Saddam's People... wait, I thought THEY had the WMDs...WTF?

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Posted 03 March 2005 - 04:24 PM

Iraq Regime Admits US
Used Mustard, Nerve
Gas In Fallujah

Representative of Iraqi regime's 'Ministry of Health': America used mustard gas, nerve gas and other internationally prohibited substances in al-Fallujah.

Dr Khalid ash-Shaykhli, a representative of the puppet so-called 'Iraqi ministry of health' who was authorized to assess the health conditions in al-Fallujah after the end of the major battles there, announced that the surveys and studies that a medical team did in al-Fallujah and then reported to the 'ministry' confirm that US forces used substances that are internationally prohibited - including mustard gas, nerve gas, and other burning chemicals - in the course of its attacks on the city.

Ash-Shaykhli held a press conference in the health ministry building in Baghdad,s Bab al-Mu'azzam section on Tuesday. He began by reporting on the final results of the fact-finding mission's survey of the situation in which the people of al-Fallujah find themselves. He said that the city now is still experiencing the effects of chemical and other types of weapons used by the Americans, which will be causing serious diseases over the long term.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam asked ash-Shaykhli what were the facts regarding use by the occupation forces of limited nuclear weapons. Dr. ash-Shaykhli said, "What I saw during our researches in al-Fallujah make me believe everything that has been said about that battle. I absolutely do not exclude their use of nuclear and chemical substances, since all forms of nature were wiped out in that city. I can even say the we found dozens, if I don't say hundreds, of stray dogs, cats, and birds that had perished as a result of those gasses."

During the press conference, which was attended by more than 20 Iraqi and Arab journalists, Ash-Shaykhli promised that he would be sending the study and the results that the committee produced to responsible bodies - both Iraqi and international ones.

The press conference was attended by correspondents of the Iraqi ash-Sharqiyah television network, the Iraqi 'government'-run al-Iraqiyah satellite TV network, and the as-Sumariyah network, in addition to foreign media, such as the American Washington Post and the Knight-Ridder service and the Iraqi as-Sabah newspaper - besides the correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam.

The findings disclosed at Tuesday's press conference must be seen as the most serious statements to be made since the end of nearly four months of military operations in al-Fallujah, Mafkarat al-Islam noted. Mafkarat al-Islam was the first to report on the American occupation forces, use of gasses and burning and chemical substances during the first days after the outbreak of fighting in the city.
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Posted 05 March 2005 - 10:19 AM

Wow, you know who else used gases like that in violation of the international laws, thats right kids: Our old friend Adolf Hitler.

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Posted 07 March 2005 - 10:32 AM

Why is 'ministry' in single quotes the whole time, is it not actually called that, and it's just mocking the Orwellian nightmare the world is dscending into? Also, we used Agent Orange in the first Gulf War too. And Gulf War Disease could possibly be the effects of government tests done on our troops over there. God bless America. Please, we really need to cleanse all of the morons.

Who am I kidding? God hasn't been fire and brimstone since the Old Testament. We won't see any action until Armageddon. And we've been at odds for a while so I'd probably get zapped in the cleansing anyway.
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Posted 07 March 2005 - 01:35 PM

Interesting concept. I agree. people often suggest that they don't believe in a God of vengeance and hate the idea of one, or are angry that God IS a god of vengeance because it allegedly says this in the Bible. On the other hand, they complain that God does nothing about this shit.

Today is living proof that God is not vengeful, if he was, he'd have wiped us off the face of the earth long ago.

God doesn't seem to be paying attention, if he is that old One who burns people to cinders.

Have you seen the movie CONSTANTINE, slade?

I had this idea a year ago to do this movie, where this guy is talking to Lucifer AND God and giving them his laundry list of complaints.(Constantine seemed to capture the emotion, but not all of the ideas).

The man(human) is there talking to Lucifer:(And God)

"Alright Lucy, I am sick of your fucking whining. God made you with all the power to do what you do, you don't know pain, you don't know nothing. Your a fucking angel. What is this shit about "rebellion" I hear? What because God created US, you got pissy and started a war? You don't feel hunger, suffer, pain, loss, sorrow or even ignorance. He made you with the intelligence of the whole universe, you know it all, and you had no questions that needed answering, so your pansy ass fucking threw a fit because you were created as an angel to 'serve' us? To watch, protect and deliver messages from god to us? How hard a fucking job could that have been you fucking cockbite? Spare me the self-pity you worthless fucking bastard, here an angel can swoop down from the sky, take on any form, know the secrets of the universe, be immortal, never feel pain, and etc, blah blah blah, and because God created us pitiful talking monkeys you throw a hissy fit? Well fuck you Mr. High and Mighty. You think God loves US more than he loves you? That SOB tortures us pal. He stands by while we starve, get enslaved, get raped, tortured, and chopped up into little bits, and lets you get away with everything and anything. Pride? Pride? Because you refused to serve in Heaven, to watch out for us little peons, you rebelled? You pansy ass shit head. You had it made. You had the cushiest job in the universe. You come into existence, you know it all, you can do practically anything you need to perform your pansy angel-job, and you get persnickety about it?

...and then you come after our ass? To destroy US? Well fuck you mr.god's favorite son. He seems to like your ass an awful lot to let you behave this way and do nothing about it. We don't even have to do ANYTHING wrong to get the shaft.

And you Mr.God? Why? You give this bastard immortality, the secrets of the universe, etc, etc, and you couldn't even give us a fucking clue when we're born? We can't even decide half the time if you even exist! We're blind as bats down here, and you sit and watch as we get tortured and raped, and you your favorite son, or Other favorite son, sit there and fuck with us. I think there is something wrong here, maybe its just me, but fuck. What the fuck did we ever do to deserve this shit? Why should I have to pay for crimes that my great-great-great to the eleventh power grandfathers did?

Besides, you let your candy-assed angel bastard cheat us in the first place!

I can't say I understand this shit, but how about this Lucy: Howabout you walk in our shoes motherfucker. Oh, yes you and your pals try and "possess" us all the time, you thinks it would be fun to be human. How about we POSSESS you for once, see what its like you stupid bastard. you can feel all the pain and horror of ordinary life as a human. We'll sit and watch from the netherplane and laugh at YOUR ass, as you question your very existence, and wonder why the fuck you are even here.

We'll go back up to heaven and get your job back, and live high off the hog, "serving"(hahahah what a immortal painless existence with superpowers to fly to any place in the universe in a single second, perform miracles and read minds...oh what a shitty "job.") Then we'll fucking laugh at YOUR ass while you trudge along crying out in the night feeling sorry for your ignorant self because you can't understand why your daddy didn't love you. "Poor Lucy, he once had the cushiest job in the whole universe and there he is getting beaten up by mindless thugs, lets give him a hand, we'll wait till he bleeds a little more first though."

And back to you, Creator of the Known Universe, what the F? i mean you could have given us just one fricking clue down here! It ain't easy having to search for food, lest you die. I mean what the hell is that? You create a living thing with a body that has to almost rely on chance and hope he can shove some object that he finds into his body to keep it alive? WTF? Half of his existence is lived trying not to starve, and if thats not hard ENOUGH, you send Angelfuck No.1 down here to "hell" to fuck with us and make it harder?
Shit, if there's some plan of yours about all this, well shit, I really am a fucking dumbass monkey, cause I sure haven't got the faintest.

You two need to sort this shit out. i am just a dumb animal with a soul and a brain thats useless if it isn't fed the proper diet. If you expect me to come up with some answer, you're both out of your minds. I'm just tryijng to fricken survive down here, while you supernatural dudes play friggen games with my existence. I have had enough thank you very much, its time for this shit to end. How bout it God? Can you just zap this fricken place and get it over with? Or kill that stupid bastard who you made immortal with the power to do us harm? At the very least, start the real deal and get this whole thing done with already, I mean, YOU were here once, you know how goddamn shitty it is, they fucking KILLEd you for talkin about peace and love and all that shit. You know how bad it is, you know what it is to walk in our shoes, well, miracles not included, but for the most part you do. You at least went through the whole torture and beating thing, so you have a pretty good idea, while Lucifuck only has the guts to jump into an already living "container" and try it out, but as soon as the going gets rough, he's gone.
The chicken-shit.
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Posted 07 March 2005 - 07:43 PM

Interesting points, but you're going on the assumption that the book of Genesis is telling everything exactly how it happened. I figure if there's any actual truth to it, it's more of a big metaphor. Lucifer wasn't a bad guy, he just got embellished since history is always written by the victor. I've found it interesting how God is a perfect, yet infathomable being, and people claim to know about something which is by its own definition impossible, and then when God creates something and it's not perfect, he bitches at it for not being perfect.

Nietzsche can sum up most of my thoughts on religion. If there is an actual ultimate creator of the universe, and it possesses a consciousness and will, I can't see it being anything at all like it's always made out to be.

And I haven't seen Constantine yet. I haven't heard anything good about it though. There was also a show on NBC way back when called God, the Devil, and Bob that had to do with Bob talking to God and Lucifer. It was pretty funny, I think, but got canned early in the first season, like many good shows.

Other fun things to do: Read Paradise Lost by Milton, except look at it as if Lucifer was in the right. Go around damning everything in Gods name, and saying things must be true or God will strike you down, regardless of truth.

This post has been edited by Slade: 07 March 2005 - 07:44 PM

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Posted 07 March 2005 - 08:01 PM

I don't buy into your personifications of Lucifer and God. The bastards are what they are, and no matter which way you look at em, we still have to deal with this bullshit. I don't understand God. Lucifer's an ass. I think I'll write my own answer to John 'Dumshit' Milton and call it "Paradise Fucked." Lucifer's a whiney chicken shit ass. God's a dead-beat dad. Nuff said.
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Posted 08 March 2005 - 12:02 PM

And I refuse to buy into anything regarding the nature of deities that refuse to confirm or deny their existance. Although really, I think the human race is bad enough without a being that exists entirely to coerce us into doing "evil". We as a species like to dress up our lack of knowledge as something grandious and magnificent.
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