I slightly disagree with you.
I'll wait for the sounds of shock and disapproval to dissipate.
Several points to make.
Okay now, yes those adds are a great deal ambiguous about the chemicals contained in cigarette smoke, but the way I look at it, if you're stupid enough to be fooled by those adds, you're stupid enough to believe your one and only joy in life is a malevolent, acetone injector.
These adds aren't new. They've tried this before.
AppleSeeds contain trace amounts of cyanide. It is also recommended that you do not eat apple seeds.
Those adds forget to tell you which cyanide is in these ciggarettes. Hydrogen Cyanide. That's right. And it's in vapour form. Now most of the other "harmful chemicals" do bugger all to you. But hydrogen cyanide is very poisonous. Consider you smoke 10 cigarettes a day. Each cigarette contains approxmately 10- 400 micrograms of hydrogen cyanide. Let's use the average, 205 micrograms. That's 2.05 milligrams a day. 39 milligrams is considered a dangerous amount of hydrogen cyanide. 'Nuff said on that topic.
Hydrogen Cyanide is slightly denser than air, and can remain with 10 metres of the source for up to 20 minutes. So the law about smoking near a public building is justified in my opinion.
I do realise your update is about the adds, but I really can't think much to say of them. Except maybe they are necessary. Not to stop smokers from killing themselves. That is their choice. Just to stop them from inflicting death upon other people.
And smoking is ikky...
This post has been edited by Prodian: 21 March 2007 - 07:06 AM