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  1. WoW Keysets

    Posted 3 Sep 2010

    WoW Keysets
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    With the advanced complications in World of Warcraft gaming, it is no question that choosing the appropriate keyboard is important. As a gamer, you do not want to run into any inconveniences that may arise due to not being properly equipped with the most updated technology. Several aspects of the game require advanced control features, thus making it absolutely necessary to invest in a compatible gaming keyboard.
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    Fortunately, various companies have made it convenient for World of Warcraft gamers to select an appropriate keyboard model. Even more surprising is the fact that some companies have even made specifically-designed keysets that are not only compatible with World of Warcraft, but are decorated with the theme of the game as well.
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    For instance, Ideazon has a customized World of Warcraft keyset that lies on top of the keyboard to enhance your gaming experience. The advanced keypads make chatting, battling, and casting spells easier than ever. Among the many features include a Game Window Zone, a Chat Command Zone, and the capability of performing multiple actions with the single touch of a key.
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    Other manufacturers have constructed keyboard models that are also considered optimal for World of Warcraft players. Logitech, Saitek, and Maxtrox are all known distributors of gaming keyboards, and most of their models are recognized as affordable and compatible.

    But why would anyone care to invest in one of these devides? For one, they all come with a range of features that can make a user's experience more enjoyable and entertaining. The Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard comes fully-equipped with back-lit keys, thus allowing users to play their favorite titles, including World of Warcrat in the dark.
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    The Saitek Eclipse model is said to be one of the most popular keyboards that has been designed to meet a gamer's needs while providing the essential features for personal use as well. One of its comterparts, the Saitek Gaming Keyboard, has enough keys to provide an extra 27 functions if necessary. Most models also come with various knobs and switches that allow for easy access to some of the basic media features such as volume control and screen resolution. cnmclnmjshi
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    All in all, it is no doubt important to be fully aware of what type of accessibility is needed to make the most out of your World of power leveling zdm.

    Enter WoW -- and everything changed. All of a sudden, I had a connection to the outside world. Not only was I talking to people from all over the country, but I was also making myself think. Every move I made had a consequence to some degree, and much like everyone else, I learned early on that murlocs are not your friend.

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  2. Paladin Tanking Summary

    Posted 3 Sep 2010

    Paladin Tanking Summary
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    On any half decent server, you'll be given a shot at tanking. Many people grinding to 60 at the moment will be instancing with Warrior, Druid and Paladin tanks and there are people who rolled a Paladin specifically to tank. Paladins aren't such a grind as a Warrior in their protection spec as you can still deal damage while minimizing your downtime. Many protection Paladins have found a successful niche with their local AoE grinding Mage – With a Paladin holding aggro in full plate armor, the Mage can proceed to unleash due amounts of area-smackdown on anything suicidal enough to wander in your path.
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    This opens you up to the wonderful world of 1-60 tanking. The veteran Paladins can skip this and play whatever specs they feel comfortable with to 60 and 70, but for those who are new and looking for something a little different than your generic Druid or Warrior, the following is what you can reasonably expect to find.
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    A very good place for Paladins is 1-60. You can DPS, healing and tanking. None of the 60-70 heal-bot buff-bot prejudices tend to hold you back as younger and less experienced players are far more open minded. This is where you will play the field and apply your trade as a PalaPanzer.
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    This is for those who want to know what to expect on your Joe-Average server, those who want to know if Paladins really can find the gear to tank and those who just want to learn more about this exciting little niche Paladins have created for themselves. This is a guide telling you what to expect and what decisions you should be prepared to make. You'll make decisions and all of them have positive and negative consequences. cnmclnmjshi

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    As a Paladin tank 1-60, you can expect to get away with any old "Of the Bear" or "Of the Eagle" tanking combination. Crushing blows don't exist, crits are rarely a big issue and defense itemization is very low at these levels. Be the only plate wearer in your group, you can expect to run away with whatever plate gear you desire.
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    Your choice of tanking weapon is neither here nor there, but it is advised that you level up all weapon skills equally. These are the easy levels of your life, and while it is true that a tank needs to have good gear to tank an instance, it's very rarely a wipe-deciding factor. Your healer's gear is 10 times more important and any Priest running around in "Of the Wolf" greens would probably fail to keep any geared tank gold zdm.

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  3. Onyxia Lair in WoW

    Posted 3 Sep 2010

    Onyxia Lair in WoW
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    Onyxia's Lair is fairly short and simple. Just follow the path. Along the way you'll face a few Onyxia Warders. These guys have a semi-nasty AoE at least against 60's so standing at range to kill them is advisable. The end of the path opens up into Onyxia's chamber. At the moment, Onyxia slumbers. As soon as anyone heads down into her chamber, she'll awake and attack.
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    Phase 1
    The fight usually begins with the main tank (MT) running in and picking up Onyxia. The MT typically will take her to the far back wall and tank her so that she is facing that back wall. The rest of the raid usually splits off to Onyxia's left and right. The main reason for this being to avoid the tail swipe Onyxia uses and to minimize damage in case she turns and breaths fire. Just continue to tank, heal, dps. When Ony reaches around 64% health, she'll move into phase 2.
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    Phase 2
    Onyxia takes to the air. She'll fly around the room and randomly fireball players. While it would seem only logical that only ranged attacks would be viable during this phase, melee can actually continue to dps by standing directly under her and using special attacks. Normal melee autoattacks do not reach, but somehow specials do. This makes it easy for rogues but very difficult for warriors.
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    Onyxia may during this phase unleash Deep Breath. This powerful attack can wipe a raid. The only way to avoid it is to pay attention to the way she is facing and move to either the far left or far right of her head. The breath will travel in a straight line from her mouth to the wall she is facing. It is a wide attack though so get as far to the sides as possible.
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    Throughout the phase, the whelp eggs found along the outer perimeter of the chamber will begin to hatch. This spawns numerous whelplings. The aren't very strong but in great numbers can be devestating. Aoe is advisable. Warriors can use the whelps to build up rage. cnmclnmjshi
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    At around 36% or so, Onyxia will return to the ground moving into phase 3. The MT should be prepared with rage to immediately pick Onyxia up. If the tank does not pick up Onyxia, she will typically move to kill off the healers. wow power leveling zdm.

    This Breakfast Topic has been brought to you by Seed, the Aol guest writer program that brings your words to my fiancée and I first met, we exchanged stories, talked about our career choices and what we've gone through over the years. After some time, WoW came up in our discussion.

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  4. Key Threat Generating Abilities

    Posted 3 Sep 2010

    Key Threat Generating Abilities
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    As a Paladin, the primary Threat generating ability is Righteous Fury and all Holy damage. wow gold All of the Paladin's abilities are Holy damage, except the white melee swings. In fact, a Paladin can turn off Righteous Fury after he's done with his adds and just DPS the boss without pulling threat on the boss if the Main Tank has sufficient aggro. Without Righteous Fury, the Prot Paladin is just another DPS in the raid.

    Let's first take a look at the key threat generating abilities. These are your biggest assets while generating threat, everything else is fluff when it comes to Threat. That's not to say that other abilities don't have their uses in certain situations but they are your bread and butter.

    Avenger's Shield is one of your premiere pulling moves that hits and silences up to 3 targets. It costs quite a bit of mana and if you're getting low, you can skip it. It has a silence and a stun component to it, making it great for pulling caster-types but you'll want to get in there pretty quickly afterward since the stun component won't let them get very far. You must remember to time yourself even if it comes up again you should save it for the next pull since it has the longest cool-down of any of your abilities.

    Judgment of Light / Wisdom has 8 seconds cool-down with talents. As a rule of thumb, Holy Paladins will judge Wisdom and Retribution Paladins will judge Light.
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    Shield of Righteousness will represent 25% of your DPS and is your biggest asset. wow gold It can also be used to boost threat on a lone mob that you are trying to taunt off the healers or to solidify your threat in anticipation of a DPS' Area of Effect burst. It should always be used in your rotation and usually right after your Judgment if you are using the Libram of Obstruction. It's the ability that hits the hardest and builds burst aggro. It's the one ability you want to get off on "Skull" before you start building threat on the rest of the mobs. You should also remember that this ability scales directly with Block Value.

    Hammer of Righteous is one of your abilities that will benefit the most from a better weapon and more Strength/AP. This is another reason why Paladins are the premiere multi-mob tanking class.

    Holy Shield is a very situational ability but on multi-mob pulls, it's essential to keeping aggro while your casters are going all out with Area of Eeffect.

    Consecrate is yet another essential ability for multi-mob tanking. Every inch of the ground that Paladins are standing on should be consecrated.
    Exorcism is the ability that receives a significant change in patch 3.2 to where it will have a 1.5 second cast time. Cast time makes this very undesirable and getting hit will increase your total cast time by 1sec, 2.5 sec represents almost 2 entire GCDs, and your time could be better spent elsewhere. So, until 3.2 goes live include it whenever it's up but be aware of the upcoming change.

    Hammer of Wrath only becomes available once the target is below 20% health and it is a welcome addition to your rotation, again a free, instant cast, single target DPS ability. cnmclnmjshi
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    Hand of Reckoning is currently only useful as a taunt, it generates initial aggro but if you don't do some actual damage on the target before the taunt wears off you'll lose it and it'll go right back to smacking the healers. aion kina After 3.2, this ability will generate real DPS-based threat as well to any target that is not attacking you. wow gold zdm.

    Do you have a favorite WoW song? Is there one tune that plucks your heartstrings and makes you remember days long past? Or do you mute the game and play to your own music?

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  5. Designing Pocket Folders

    Posted 3 Sep 2010

    Designing Pocket Folders
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    Pocket folders are becoming regulars with many people. These marketing tools seem to become everyday items that people can’t do without. A pocket folder printing is a household name when one wants to organize and prepare documents for everyday things. May it be in schools, offices, and even in the homes, a pocket folder is fast becoming an essential item that many people can’t do without.
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    Both students and professionals use pocket folders to organize and carry their documents so that everything would be neat and tidy. For students, these accessories can be used to carry tons of homework, term papers, and even class reports and projects. For teachers for example, a pocket folder is some way to keep intact all the students’ papers as well as their report cards. On the other hand, professionals use these pocket folders to carry their business tools and documents. For business owners and marketers, a pocket folder printing is a marketing tool aside from its usual function of holding large amounts of documents. They can be a reflection or representation of any business to introduce the company to clients and prospective customers. And they can also be used as marketing collateral to send out to the target clients other marketing documents that are in the arsenal.
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    It cannot be denied that pocket folders are fast becoming a necessity to everyday life. So if you want to use pocket folder printing in your own marketing strategy, it is easy to do. All you need is to follow these simple steps so you can have not only functional folders but also effective strategies to promote your business.
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    There two main methods for you to create your pocket folder: first is to do it digitally, and second, to do it like any other marketer – manually.

    If you choose to do it digitally, the first thing you need to do is to find a template that you can use to start your pocket folder. There is a plethora of downloadable templates made available online. Many printing and design graphic companies have made it possible for any person to download a template or two which are ready-made and easy to fit all kinds of information with. When you have the template, it is very easy to customize it to carry your own details. You can then manipulate the contents of the templates to fit what you need to market your business. So you don’t need to create an original. You can make a ready-made template customized to fit your very own business.
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    Next, use a graphic design application such as Adobe Illustrator to open the template you downloaded. You can save it as a new file that you can work on. Do this so you will not overwrite on the original template. This is so you can use the template again for your next marketing campaign. Write your file name and save it to your personal folder so you can have it anytime you want to start your design template project.
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    Then, provide your design. Use your template according to how they are made – as a guide. Put where the folds are indicated; add graphics and text where appropriate; and enhance the appearance of your template to fit your own requirements. cnmclnmjshi

    Finally, do your pockets. The right side of your pocket folder would be your front, while the back is from your left side. The two flaps then at the bottom will be the pockets when you fold them.

    Then go ahead and print when you’re done editing your pocket folder printing.replica handbags zdm.

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