Night Life: CrazyImage - Viewing Profile

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CrazyImage's Profile User Rating: -----

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FullyRamblomatic Forums (27 posts)
20-July 06
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User is offline Dec 27 2007 06:45 PM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Is Trilby a long lost Blues Brother?

    Posted 12 Dec 2007

    QUOTE (bobsickle @ Dec 12 2007, 02:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    I'd back you up Gobbler, but frankly, I think you are a dick.

    The whole reason I made the dumb ass post was because he didnt make a serious post. Just made fun of the sunglasses and left.

    Gobblers only pissed because I didnt like his homo erotic trilby fan story.
  2. In Topic: Is Trilby a long lost Blues Brother?

    Posted 12 Dec 2007

    So its going ok for you guys? Still a little bummed though?
  3. In Topic: Is Trilby a long lost Blues Brother?

    Posted 12 Dec 2007

    QUOTE (Gobbler @ Dec 12 2007, 11:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    You forgot to mention ugly and perfect example of successfully marketing a joke.

    Wow. So uh, how are you guys dealing with the whole hitler thing?
  4. In Topic: I've a problem regarding donation...

    Posted 10 Feb 2007

    how do you do it? when you receive the donation do you give an FTP adress, do you have a special link that you give to the people and they download it or what? you could probably set up a pay system like those game sites where they access the download after you pay.
  5. In Topic: 6DAS discussion and help

    Posted 8 Feb 2007

    QUOTE (Crashie @ Jan 25 2007, 06:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Just finished it, simply amazing. Great work.

    i played and finished it and it was alot of fun. it does remind me of this book I read back in the day.

My Information

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New Cop
Age Unknown
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