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Legion's Profile User Rating: -----

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FullyRamblomatic Forums (104 posts)
06-July 07
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User is offline Dec 12 2008 05:15 AM

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  1. In Topic: 28 7

    Posted 30 Jul 2008

    Well, it's a little late to be telling you folks about it, but meh. I organized a little prank at work for while I was away in Adelaide.

    At work we sell some computers. Second-hand store, and people like to buy computers. There's your business economy lesson for the day. So we have eight or so of them on display at any given time, turned on and constantly displaying 3 MONTH LAYBY, 20% DEPOSIT! as a marquee background. And considering it's MY job to make them say that....

    On each computer I created a picture file, named it something random (rgz.png for example) and buried it in the System 32 folder. Then I edited each picture to something XDAS-related, and used the computer's calender/planner to automatically change the computer's screensaver to the picture I'd put in on the 28th. And then change back to the normal store screensaver on the 29th.

    So for a whole day, instead of the normal Buy me! I'm cheap and I go down like a muff diver with hip dysplasia! crap, each computer was being freaky.

    it hurts
    the Guide
    protect him always
    destroy him
    not a man

    ... each displayed on nine respective computer screens, in large, bright-red System font to look like the original XDAS font, on a black background.

    In hindsight, I should have made it so they'd flicker between backgrounds. Oh well, something to do next year.
  2. In Topic: Greatest Fullyramblomatic IRC Quotes

    Posted 13 Jun 2008

    And Bobsickle would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids.

    Sadly, I too am reminded of my age.

    I remember the days when Commander Keen was considered uber gaming technology. You damn kids with your Halo and your Portal, bah humbug. Give me a football helmet and a pogo stick any day.
  3. In Topic: Smash Bros. Brawl

    Posted 30 Apr 2008

    And to think, I once threatened to ram a muffler up someone's arse. Wario can acheive the same effect.

    Thanks, o greasy yellow and purple dude, for doing my job. Garlic for you.
  4. In Topic: The Dark Knight

    Posted 30 Apr 2008

    No, Pathfinder was Apocalypto Lite. 10 000 BC was Pathfinder For Pussies.
  5. In Topic: Character Poll

    Posted 30 Mar 2008

    Ladies, chill. You're all pretty and you're all going to the ball. Everyone relax.

    I'd love to see a 1213 story, simply because in my books 1213 is fighting the Chzo Mythos for the title of Most Badass Game Evarrrr so yeah, I'd love to hear some more stuff. But instead of a sequel to the alternate ending, I'd suggest a parallel storyline - like some of the events of the game, as seen by Administrator Westbury, perhaps?

    Then again, Chris Quinn would be awesome too. I'd even go as far as to wonder if he'd encounter Trilby in his story, but I'm some random weird dude who gets a kick out of insider references so it might actually be safer to ignore that one.

My Information

Member Title:
Mini Boss
36 years old
May 16, 1988
Horror stuff, spicy food, RPG and FPS video games, decent novels, stand-up comedy, watching idiots maim themselves doing stupid things, Asian or Italian food and web surfing.<br /><br />Yup, I'm a complete geek.

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