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Star Wars Fan Convention (2 posts)
06-June 05
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User is offline Jun 08 2005 11:36 AM

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Dissatisfaction with the prequel trilogy (plus a link on the imdb forums).
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  1. In Topic: 91 Reasons to Hate Episode III

    Posted 7 Jun 2005

    Pasting this in from the old thread...sorry if it's a bit too long, just had to vent... :angry:

    OK, I just discovered this site a few days ago, and I've been reading the 'Reasons to hate' for Eps I&II and laughing like a frigging drain. Some of the EpI ones in particular are hilarious. I registered here because I just noticed that the first batch of EpIII reasons are up, and I just wondered if chefelf had considered some of the particularly dunderheaded things about the opening space 'battle' (if you can call it that).

    Firstly, when the Jedi are trapped in the ship's bridge with Grievous, A Republic cruiser fires on the cruiser they're in, causing it to crash on Coruscant. Why the hell would the Repulic ship do this? Surely they know that the damn Chancellor (the whole reason they're fighting, apparently) is on the damn ship and they're ENDANGERING HIS LIFE, AS WELL AS THOSE OF TWO JEDI KNIGHTS!. This is the equivalent of a group of secret service agents deciding to fire at a car that's being used to transport a recently-rescued President because no-one thought to tell them that the President's in it. Is it too much to expect a little communication during a rescue mission? How about letting the left hand know what the right one's doing? This is not the sort of behaviour one would expect from a galactic military power!

    The other thing about the space battle which left me mighty pissed (apart from the fact that it was such a damp squib after so many idiots had been hyping it up) was the way Lucas tricks you into popping a boner by giving you a few glimpses of these huge ships firing at each other, and then squanders 90% of the precious space battle screen-time by showing the suspense-free, tension-free conflict between Obi-Wan's ship and some crappy little 'buzzdroids'. The exciting climax of this sequence is the fact that we get to see Anakin nudging the droids off Obi-Wan's ship, which is possibly the dullest use I can imagine for Lucas' CGI resources. What a gip.

    I love the way the epIII batch of reasons is shaping up, chef - here's hoping they give me the hours (note:possible exaggeration) of enjoyment I got from their epI and epII predecessors!

    p.s. I, too, wanted to smack each and every one of the idiots around me in the cinema who laughed when artoo set the two droids on fire. I'm still seething. Oh, and it was nice to see Chewbacca so skillfully and subtly inserted, too. It didn't feel in any way tacked-on or pointless, oh no.
  2. In Topic: Reasons to Hate Star Wars

    Posted 6 Jun 2005

    OK, I just discovered this site a few days ago, and I've been reading the 'Reasons to hate' for Eps I&II and laughing like a frigging drain. Some of the EpI ones in particular are hilarious. I registered here because I just noticed that the first batch of EpIII reasons are up, and I just wondered if chefelf had considered some of the particularly dunderheaded things about the opening space 'battle' (if you can call it that).

    Firstly, when the Jedi are trapped in the ship's bridge with Grievous, A Republic cruiser fires on the cruiser they're in, causing it to crash on Coruscant. Why the hell would the Repulic ship do this? Surely they know that the damn Chancellor (the whole reason they're fighting, apparently) is on the damn ship and they're ENDANGERING HIS LIFE, AS WELL AS THOSE OF TWO JEDI KNIGHTS!. This is the equivalent of a group of secret service agents deciding to fire at a car that's being used to transport a recently-rescued President because no-one thought to tell them that the President's in it. Is it too much to expect a little communication during a rescue mission? How about letting the left hand know what the right one's doing? This is not the sort of behaviour one would expect from a galactic military power!

    The other thing about the space battle which left me mighty pissed (apart from the fact that it was such a damp squib after so many idiots had been hyping it up) was the way Lucas tricks you into popping a boner by giving you a few glimpses of these huge ships firing at each other, and then squanders 90% of the precious space battle screen-time by showing the suspense-free, tension-free conflict between Obi-Wan's ship and some crappy little 'buzzdroids'. The exciting climax of this sequence is the fact that we get to see Anakin nudging the droids off Obi-Wan's ship, which is possibly the dullest use I can imagine for Lucas' CGI resources. What a gip.

    I love the way the epIII batch of reasons is shaping up, chef - here's hoping they give me the hours (note:possible exaggeration) of enjoyment I got from their epI and epII predecessors!

    p.s. I, too, wanted to smack each and every one of the idiots around me in the cinema who laughed when artoo set the two droids on fire. I'm still seething. Oh, and it was nice to see Chewbacca so skillfully and subtly inserted, too. It didn't feel in any way tacked-on or pointless, oh no.

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