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J m HofMarN's Profile User Rating: *****

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User is offline Apr 27 2018 12:51 PM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Star Wasr: The Focre Rewekkened Wasn't That Bad

    Posted 27 Apr 2018

    View Post civilian_number_two, on 06 March 2018 - 12:12 AM, said:

    So far of the new Star Wasr movies, I enjoyed Rogue One the most.

    I'm not pleased with the deconstruction of Luke Skywalker. To me it feels like the new movies should have kept some of the brighter tone of the prequels, and the prequels should have taken on the dark and increasingly desperate tone of the new movies. They snapped back in the wrong direction, but the new movies are at least enjoyable on a fundamental level, as cinema, which the prequels never were.
  2. In Topic: Chefelf's Star Wars: The Last Jedi Review(s)

    Posted 27 Apr 2018

    HOLY SHIT THIS PLACE STILL EXISTS. Thanks for the reviews, Chef, I'll for sure read them and get back to you with my detailed thoughts, I'm so glad to see youre still a fan and still breaking down the good and bad in these movies!
  3. In Topic: Barack Obama Will Not Look Like This

    Posted 20 Mar 2013

    I expect he bathes in the blood of the countless innocents he murders with his drone death squads.
  4. In Topic: Violence, Nazis, or Abortions

    Posted 2 Dec 2012

    Do they seriously compare getting an abortion to the holocaust? What exactly do they say? That's... well, wow. Your logic here is pretty sound, a very good point, I just can't believe it's required.
  5. In Topic: Free Will

    Posted 30 Nov 2012

    ...But to an observer who could view things in a level sufficient to reveal that we dont have free will, it has to be really boring... And if we BELIEVE in free will, doesn't that ipso facto make it a reality (excepting the idea that some foreign deity creates what is real and not, what is truth and not, etc) if we perceive ourselves as having free will, than we do. That last bit down there sounds a bit to meta and Matrixy for me to work out just now.

    View PostJordan, on 30 November 2012 - 02:55 AM, said:

    You know whats really fucked up, we aren't even the author of our own thoughts. Thoughts just 'happen' with consiousness. We have an ability to select thoughts that already preexist in our brains but we can't really create new thoughts. How would you? It would require you to pre-think them before you think them. FUCKED UP.

My Information

Member Title:
Knows All The Girls Named Lola
40 years old
March 30, 1984
Rural Pahrump Nevada

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