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Dr Lecter's Profile User Rating: ***--

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2,130 (0.29 per day)
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FullyRamblomatic Forums (520 posts)
03-January 05
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User is offline Apr 14 2010 05:20 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Spacer Invader

    Posted 3 Aug 2009

    Tally ho again old chaps. It was a toss up at wether I should put this here or the Game forum. Either way, Here is my latest video game:

    Space Invader
    Download Link

    Create your Invader.
    Posted Image

    Destroy the Earthlings!
    Posted Image

    More of a prototype than a full game, but a game nevertheless. Please mind the rather below standard graphics, I'll try to do better in my next game :zorro: . I do have a website going up, but alas my host is taking their sweet time to put it up: Eventually my site
  2. All Time Best Non-Singles

    Posted 9 Jan 2009

    The reason for this, well as we've all found out at somepoint, you hear a single or two from an album, and think "that album sounds great" then you go out and get it, and you realise that the other tracks on the album are garbage. This topic is to name those artists who produce non-single tracks that put other artists to shame.

    Rules are simple:

    1. The song can never have been released as a single.
    2. B-sides are ok.
    3. Alternative versions of a single are not acceptable.
    4. Cover tracks are not acceptable either.
    5. They don't have to be in any order.
    6. If your name is Heccubus, you're allowed as many as you want.

    If you're not sure if a song was single or not: Wikipedia is your friend.

    I would start but I'm afraid my list would be almost entirely GNR tracks.
  3. The Virgin Music Game

    Posted 6 Nov 2008

    A mate just sent me this picture, it's pretty decent. The basic rules are simple: look at the picture, and see how many bands and song names you can see.

    At time of posting I just reached 29.
  4. Your Ringtone

    Posted 24 Sep 2008

    Let's see what people's ringtones are. You know what they say, your ringtone defines you... Actually that may have been actions, but hey, the topic exists now so get on with it.

    Currently I am using the bog standard ring ring ringtone, but I'm planning to change it in the near future.
  5. Piracy

    Posted 19 Sep 2008

    I don't know if any of you know this, the music industry is currently using its efforts to stop piracy. They clearly however have chosen an unusual tactic. Almost guerilla style. That's right, they are only producing music so bad, that you wouldn't even steal it.

    The only assumption that I can come to is that this is like a hostage situation. Clearly, the bad music won't stop until piracy ends. So I guess we are all doomed to the music collections we currently have.

My Information

Member Title:
Almighty God Of All Morals
36 years old
February 8, 1988

Contact Information

AIM  Lecter2468
Website URL:
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