Night Life: Walexei - Viewing Profile

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Walexei's Profile User Rating: -----

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Active Posts:
81 (0.01 per day)
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FullyRamblomatic Forums (81 posts)
15-September 05
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User is offline Sep 07 2008 05:11 PM

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Fully Ramblomatic
United Kingdom
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Topics I've Started

  1. Abandonia

    Posted 10 Sep 2006

    Today i stumbled upon a rather wonderfull website that some of you may already know of, called Abandonia. located at they stock a rather large database of downloadable Dos classics, including a gem I got earlier: Kyrandia. Some of these are protected and non downloadable but most are availible, also included there are Kings quest 1 and 2, the 2003 VGA remakes, making a once amazing game playable again due to it not looking like horseshit anymore.

    Also if you go there and click the adventure section on the sidebar, you will see 2 very well known Ben Crowshaw games as the 2 top voted in that area.

    Have fun
  2. Is YTOTW dissapearing?

    Posted 31 Dec 2005

    For some reason on the YTOTW archives if you try to skip to different chapters in the scroll bar it doesnt work after the first time, just comes up with a page cannot be found error. the only way to navigate the comics is to use the calendar thing. Does this mean that YTOTW is slowly dissapearing as it's time on keenspace runs out? Or am i just unecessarily panicking?
  3. Updates

    Posted 1 Dec 2005

    Yhatzee, following from what you have just posted about the site now going to be mainly used for news etc. Why don't you get a couple of people to write updates for the site every now and again? Like when you used to have weekend updaters, allthough it wouldnt have to be only on weekends this time. That way you can still use it to post things about what you are doing and people can still visit the site and expect a humerous update sometimes.
  4. nanowrimo

    Posted 31 Oct 2005

    So is anyone else going to try this novel writing thing? Sounds pretty interesting allthough I had no idea it even existed until 5 minutes ago. Ive signed up under Walexei (shocking that is). 50'000 words sounds like a hell of a lot in one month when I take into consideration that every story i have ever written gets to a few thousand words before I lose interest and start on another idea, but I'm sure i'm probably not the only one. If anyone else is going to give it a try then it would be cool to follow your progress, if only to steal ideas wink.gif
  5. The Cuious Pengiun

    Posted 12 Oct 2005

    hey kids, i recently started my own updatey bloggy thingy taking inspiration from those such as yahtzee himself and others such as seanbaby. check it here http://curiouspenguin.

    Cheers - Walexei

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37 years old
March 5, 1987

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