There's nothing unnatural about a Mazda 3 damnit!
It seems a pretty pointless thing that people get polarised about.
How would a homosexual couple, with a child facilitated by a surrogate process, in a wholesome marriage, unbroken nuclear family and all the legal rights of a marriage couple be a bad thing for anyone.
Then people go - what about the child - their being raised by homosexuals - the child is being raised immorally and will not be comfortable with thier parents sexuality.
a) no child is comfortable with their parents sexuality. Seriously.
it's not like their parents are gonna teach them a birds and birds - how will they grow up any more immoral, deviant or degenerate than anyone else out there.
Civs marriage is about family thing was a good point.
Also - for people who raise a spiritual or natural thing about it.
Homosexuality occurs in nature. It is, though not common, an acceptably normal behaviour amongst a number of wild species, particularly amongst non-dominant males. Every single bonobo, an advanced primate sometimes called a 'pygmy chimp', is bisexual - so don't say that it doesn't happen in nature. Juvenile male elephants typically have sex with other juvenile male elephants as part of their development - effectively practice.
Then, if you want a spiritual thing, you count a religious assumption as a legal assumption. People who say 'God says homos are sinful' before pointing to Leviticus, Sodom and some of the other stuff, rule out the people who do not use the Bible as a sacred text or are atheistic.
Edit - oh and Barend, they do synchronise. Lots of women living together gradually undergo hormonal synchronisation, particularly if one of them doesn't shave their armpits. Freaky eh?
This post has been edited by Mnesymone: 11 August 2005 - 12:51 AM