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User is offline Oct 12 2012 08:43 PM

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  1. In Topic: Morons Declare Taxation on The Untaxable

    Posted 24 Mar 2005

    QUOTE (Dr Lecter @ Mar 23 2005, 06:18 PM)
    Nah that would just be stupid, its just a lience you need to use a TV. Its pretty stupid that you can own a TV but if you use it without a lience you get fined.

    That has got to be one of the most stupid things I've heard in my life. How is this enforced? Are there "TV Cops" that go door to door, and if they see your TV on ask to see your licence? That is absolutely surreal.

    The reason why most countries hate America in this day and age is because of Bush.

    Over here some folks have this idea that Osama bin-Laden was sitting in a cave in Afghanistan, some flunky of his brought in a copy of the U.S. Bill of Rights, and Osama became so upset that he decided to punch a hole in the NYC Skyline right there and then -- at least, that the current Administration's view of things

    The world is upset with the USA because we are throwing our weight around without even thinking of traditional allies or what the consequences will be. It's not like the USA hasn't done that before, but with the current gang in office, the crime of hubris is being peddled fast and furious.

    It's all well and good that the Iraqis can vote now -- except that $130 billion of our taxpayer money has gone to that end, not to mention over 1000 American lives, and meanwhile the school just a few miles from my house hasn't had new history books delievered to it for years. The kids there in the 5th grade class are using history books from the 1980's.

    I guess that all makes sense somewhere. blink.gif

  2. In Topic: Q & A Session

    Posted 23 Mar 2005

    QUOTE (Chyld @ Mar 23 2005, 01:19 PM)
    If I upgrade a Techmarine to have a full servo harness, is it cost effective to give him any additional equipment?

    Only if the servo-couplings on the harness have been benchmarked to mil-spec quality, and the left and right anti-gravity generators are quad-speed oriented to the brainpan backfiring position.

    On the Highway of Life, if a right turn leads to Heaven, a left turn to Hell, where does a U-turn take you? (The answer cannot be "Newark")
  3. In Topic: St. Patrick's Day

    Posted 23 Mar 2005

    QUOTE (Slade @ Mar 18 2005, 02:01 AM)
    Well, it's Irish appreciation day, or was until two hours ago. How did you spend it?

    I was visiting Chicago, which has a pretty sizable Irish population, and so I was looking forward to heading out and seeing what went on as far as Irish festivities.

    Went to a joint just north of the Loop (downtown Chicago) and gave $3 to a collection jar as a cover charge. Apparently, they were collecting money to give to kids in need. Went in, saw about 500 people more than the fire laws would normally allow in the place. Tried to get a drink, couldn't even make it to the bar. Got splashed with green beer by a drunk trying to make it to the bathroom. I then asked how long it would take to get a table, and the woman in the "Guinness" hat behind the counter said "oh, two hours or so."

    So, there I was splashed with beer, unable to get beer myself as the bar was literally crawling with drunks (and I get sort of claustrophobic around a lot of people), and I was going to have to wait around two hours to get seated. So I did what anyone else would do -- I left, went back to the hotel but stopped at local deli and liquor store to pick up a 12 pack of Mickey's Bigmouth and a corned beef sandwich, and watched "The Quiet Man" on the hotel TV while slowly going into a Mickey's daze.

    Not too shabby, really. thumbsup.gif

  4. In Topic: Morons Declare Taxation on The Untaxable

    Posted 23 Mar 2005

    QUOTE (Chyld @ Mar 3 2005, 01:39 PM)
    Its £115 a year to own a Tv. The precise laws elude me, but that's it as far as I know.

    You have to be kidding me! Is that per TV? Where does that money go?

    Socialism is a good thing.....yikes.

  5. In Topic: Word Of The Day

    Posted 6 Jan 2004


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Member Title:
New Cop
56 years old
July 7, 1968
Winnetka, CA
Voodoo, Playstation, Porn, Cash, Booze, and more Porn

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