Posted 29 December 2010 - 04:01 PM
Lol, well this was certainly an interesting read. While I was entertained by it, Deucaon, I can't help but think that you're either crazy, misinformed, or simply creating argument for the sake of arguing. So, I'm going to take time and be all long-winded and stuff. And lazy too. I'm just going to ask you to take my word that I've read about studies and things and thought that they were legit enough to be believed.
I will also throw out from the start that I'm a United States citizen and a Christian. I know about my own government well enough to say some things about it, but really there's just so much that I can't know everything. I don't know much about the workings of other governments other than some disparate facts about a few. As for my faith, I know a good deal about it, and I know a fair amount of information on many other religions. Not enough to make me an expert in any way shape or form mind you. I just felt it was important to mention because of all the topics being discussed.
On the subject of rights ... well first of all they come from a few different places. Many religions figured people were afforded some basic things, like not getting murdered every which way and that (colloquial phrase). Philosophers thought along the same lines. And governing bodies also gave rights to people under the law (though, these tend to get summarily ignored when said gov. is out to get one or more people). Really the thing up for debate back then was who did these rights apply to. Today that debate is still there, but slowly and slowly more people believe that everyone deserves a certain amount of things concerning how they are treated (Except Hindus, sucks to be you if you're on the lower end of the caste system.) Now, what I think you mean is that a lot of times you hear about saying I have the right to blah, blah, blah, or I ought to be able to yada, yada, yada. Sometimes, it's utterly bogus things. Other times it's women wanting the right (under the law) to vote. Which isn't bogus, but is very reasonable. (Rights being used as propaganda to bomb lesser people into submission .... I just don't get that one)
Privileges are atually rights, benefits, advantages, etc that are accorded by either laws, positions (such as a an office), earned things due to actions a person has done in the past, or unearned things granted by others due to race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, etc. Just felt that I should point that out to clarify. Summarized from an actal dictionary, not the internet or anything.
Okay, the things you said about marriage ... wow ... really? Okay going to take this baby in a few chunks.
What marriage is - Well it's a lot of things. What it's supposed to be is basically when two people declare a partnership in each other's eyes, and in the eyes of the community. But, there's a lot of different things it can mean to different people, and it can mean multiple things to different people. It's certainly not some simple concept that you can boil down to have the same meaning for everyone. For some it can be about love, for others, benefits under the law.
What is marraige to homosexuals - Well, first off I'm not homosexual, and even if I was, everyone is different, can want different things, and can have different things mean differently to them. At best I know and have friends that are bisexual, homosexual, etc, and have heard/read various things about thier wants. I belive that you believing what a varied group such as homosexuals want and saying thats what all of them actually want is rather incompetent ... especially if you aren't homosexual yourself. Human being are very complex, grant that they might have some individuality and difference of opinion/wants as people obviously do have. Now, I'm definitely sure that marriage isn't a foreign concept to homosexuals. It's a thing that is pretty much all around them in every single society. In fact, there are many homosexuals that are married. I think they understand the concept ... not very foreign. Nobody "needs" to be married, it is a want. But why can't they want to be married simply because they don't produce children (and some do). What's wrong with adopting?
What marriage is for - Well a lot of things. It very much depends on an individual and how they feel about it. It's a matter of personal opinion. I'm not married myself, but I have many friends and relatives who are married. I know many that have been divorced, and I know some who have remarried. You Deuacon, whether you're married or not, do not seem to know much about it.
America is a quasi-society? Since when did that happen?
Government run orphan/childcare stuff - yeah, totally with JM on that one. Do a little research on that Deuacon. I would bet that where you're from the stats can't be that much better.
The US gov. can be one hell of a mess. But umm, that's like all govenments in this day and age. Really, pointing fingers is silly for this category.
Homosexuality is neither hereditary or a mental disorder. This really tells me you don't know what you're talking about.
Apparently writing about JM here is his secret weakness. Muwahaha!!!! Now I have leverage over him and am another step closer towards my goal of world domination.
"And the Evil that was vanquished shall rise anew. Wrapped in the guise of man shall he walk amongst the innocent and Terror shall consume they that dwell upon the Earth. The skies will rain fire. The seas shall become as blood. The righteous shall fall before the wicked! And all creation shall tremble before the burning standards of Hell!" - Mephisto
Kurgan X showed me this web comic done with Legos. It pokes fun at all six Star Wars films and I found it to be extremely entertaining.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>